Wie findet ihr diese fiktive Figur?

Ein 21 jähriger Mann der schon seit 4 Jahren eine Freundin sucht, aber nie eine findet. Er lebt in Griechenland und ist so Attraktiv wie möglich, ist aber trotzdem Single:

  • Sieht gut aus
  • Hat eine Ausstrahlung voll von stolz, Schöner Jugend usw….
  • Ist sehr Sportlich und begabt in vielen Sportarten
  • Hat eine Schöne Stimme und kann mehrere Instrumente spielen
  • Er bzw. Seine Eltern sind wohlhabend
  • Er ist extrovertiert, Temperamentvoll, Ehrlich, hilft anderen, aber ist auch etwas eifersüchtig

Er wünscht sich eine Treue Freundin die nur ihm gehört, findet aber oft nur schlechte Frauen (vor allem auf Tinder) seine beste Freundin dient ihm als guter Freundin Ersatz, doch er verliebt sich in sie und sie korbt ihn.

Wie findet ihr die Person? Ist sie vielleicht zu unrealistisch? (Mary Sue)

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2 years ago

I find it funny that the guy is looking for despite the many aspects. Seems too unrealistic. There is still a few “founders” (secret, profession, etc.)

2 years ago

Completely overdrawn. By the way, a perfect person is something for the museum and not for bed.

2 years ago

To create figures with which readers should identify themselves, and that they must follow the story, they should never be perfectly designed to be lifted off. Because your readers are not. Therefore, you should always write to a figure make and character errors.

2 years ago

It seems more common…

but as long as he doesn’t manage to live a happy life alone, it won’t

2 years ago

Overall, something to be covered, except of course it hangs all the time in sports and its instruments and neglects it, for example, education and school. You could understand that in my eyes, then he’s setting priorities.

Otherwise, it’s just what I’ve already told you about your Mary Sue/Gary Stu: if you shape a character GUT, then it can be quite outstanding and very good at some points… but not from today on morning, but with corresponding training behind it. To be able to play several instruments (good) requires a lot of time and exercise… it would be more sensible in my eyes to set up ON INstrument or two instruments.
You can let your figure sing in opera quality… provided she has taken all her childhood singing lessons and has always gone fine and tidy, has practiced etc. Then that’s REALISTIC.
If your figure just opens the mouth and then ‘The Hell Revenge’ melts it is unrealistic.

Herec you only count strengths, the weaknesses are completely hidden and no that he has no girlfriend is NOT a weakness.

He wishes a fidelity friend who only belongs to him

If he’s looking for a woman, why is he looking for Tinder? And why doesn’t he think he’s so extroverted? These are the questions that ask me. As someone like him would have to find EIGENTLICH no problem having a girlfriend, except his claims are enormously high OR he moves in the wrong circles of people.

2 years ago
Reply to  Asteraki22

So openly confessed… that someone who has really tried it for four years, who is extroverted, has many friends, and then also has all the requirements up there NO girlfriend finds EXTREM unlikely.

Unless he’s really sick jealous or otherwise kind of ‘comic’.

2 years ago

Then you have something to know.

2 years ago

Didn’t you make the figure?

If so, the questions you have to answer.

2 years ago

The definition for Mary-Sue is:

Usually, it can handle tasks considerably more easily than comparable figures with similar training and experience. The name is often used for both sexes, but at the same time there are also the male variants Marty Sue and Gary Stu.


Your description says something else. Despite all the good conditions, he doesn’t know what to do or he makes mistakes.

2 years ago
Reply to  SchakKlusoh

Despite all the good conditions, he doesn’t know what to do or he makes mistakes.

Don’t stand there.

I am right to you in this respect that there may be no sample of a Mary Sue in some areas and that much of the description cannot be easily removed, but it is already very in the direction.

The fact that he does not find a friend is not led by him SELBST, but a product of the environment. It is the perfect, pure, flawless character against which the whole world stands, which is ultimately also at fault in its own failure.

You don’t need to talk about his ‘Talente’ in my eyes, about his representation in the end

2 years ago
Reply to  BeviBaby

Don’t stand there.

  • A 21-year-old man who has been looking for a girlfriend for 4 years, but never finds one.
  • but often finds only bad women (especially on Tinder) his best friend serves him as a good friend replacement, but he falls in love with her and she corks him.
2 years ago
  • Looks good
  • Has a radiance full of pride, beautiful youth etc….
  • Is very sporty and gifted in many sports
  • Has a beautiful voice and can play several instruments
  • He or His parents are wealthy
  • He is extroverted, temperament, honest, helps others, but is also a bit jealous

Which of these points indicates a Mary Sue person?

2 years ago


No. Because it simply has nothing to do with the property of Mary Sue/Gary Stu to use TInder.

I told you.

No. You dispute that it is such an overly perfect person and that is simply too extreme. It would be more correct to say that both possibilities cannot be excluded, but even AUCH is not that it is actually a Mary Sue character.

I also do not see a (characteristic) error in the presence of a perfect tinder profile.

2 years ago

I don’t see why he shouldn’t do that.


It is not said that the profile is not perfect. According to the questioner, he finds only ‘bad women’,

I told you.

2 years ago

A Gary Stu wouldn’t use Tinder

I don’t see why he shouldn’t do that.

have a perfect tinder profile.

It is not said that the profile is not perfect. According to the questioner, he finds only ‘bad women’, but I suspect that this refers to his claims to a woman. So he finds some, but they do not match his taste. But what could possibly also speak GEGEN Tinder.

2 years ago

And above all, where does he make FEHLER?

A Gary Stu wouldn’t use Tinder or have a perfect Tinder profile.

2 years ago

Yeah, and where does he not know what to do? And above all, where does he make FEHLER?

Apart from, of course, that this ONE point also happens in a Mary Sue. Is actually a very typical line of action.

2 years ago

This sounds like a Gary-Stue sample;) So the male version of a Mary-Sue, the perfect protagonist. I personally felt such a figure very boring and exhausting.

2 years ago
Reply to  Asteraki22

Less perfection. The very few people are so perfect and when they are, they rarely solve positive feelings with the reader. Give him weaknesses and problems and stroke some of the “positive” things.

2 years ago
Reply to  Winterlimonade

No, it’s not. Read the definition here:


2 years ago
Reply to  Winterlimonade

No, it’s not. Read the definition here:


2 years ago
Reply to  SchakKlusoh

But it does. I have over 25 years of experience in this area, you can believe that I know what I’m talking about;)

Apart from that, the link confirms my statement. Please understand. Thank you.

2 years ago

I mean in the literary field, since you have obviously collected so much semi-knowledge here to correct someone who is much longer active here and has accumulated much more experience and knowledge;) Since you persist in your (referred incorrect) position, I wonder how long you really know you active here, or whether you are wrongly citing Wikipedia entries or the like.

2 years ago

So in good question I’m about 5 years.

2 years ago

1) Completely correct. Appearance is an integral part.

2) Properties are also an integral component. All-rounders who overwhelm all established characters with their knowledge are the epitome of a sue.

3) No. The gifts and very many gifts are also part of a sue.

I wonder how long have you been writing or are you trying to interpret wiki articles?

2 years ago

1) wrong. Sues have to look good, but do everything right. “Ready Player one” is a movie – in movies all people are more beautiful than in the book.

2) wrong. It’s not about features like proud, but about “Sue does everything right and can everything”

3) wrong. Talent is a different thing than “Sue wins all competitions”.

… etc.

2 years ago

Looks good

It’s an indication for a Sue. For example, if we compare Ready Player Number One, the protagonists were made much more beautiful from the original, where they were correspondingly thick and not good-looking to their environment.

Has a radiance full of pride, beautiful youth etc….

Here too: Only very strong, positive properties.

Is very sporty and gifted in many sports

Also here: Strong, positive qualities, talent in almost everything.

Has a beautiful voice and can play several instruments

Here too: talents where you look.

He or His parents are wealthy

Rich parents, lots of money, little financial worries.

He is extroverted, temperament, honest, helps others, but is also a bit jealous

Here too, rather positive characters, too honesty, helpfulness and a little jealous

We have 6 areas and even 2 of them would already be a sue or Establishing Stuablier – in all 6 the question is only to be understood as a WItz, because the answer is clear and 100%: Yes – it is a Sue

A Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect that he or she warps the world around them to display their perfection. It seems as though nothing in this universe except Mary Sue is even real, and is instead a plot device to make Mary Sue seem flawless and love

This is completely fulfilled by the above things.

A Mary Sue is an original character (oc) and has no flaws.

Here too: filled. A little jealousy is not a disadvantage here, which forces this fulfillment only in the approach.

The main character of the new Mulan and the Star Wars sequels.

Since our own character, this is not true – as far as we know. Could also be a fanfic.

A Mary Sue is a seemingly perfect character. Their male counterpart is a Gary Sue or a Marty Sue. They have little to no flaws.

Also fulfilled. Little to no flaws.

I don’t know why I have to explain this to you so much. It’s obvious.

2 years ago
  • Yeah, you’re older than me.
  • Yes, you are a corpse in your area.
  • Yeah, I’m talking nonsense.
  • Yeah, that’s a long term.


Answer the question: Which of these points meets the definition.

  • Looks good
  • Has a radiance full of pride, beautiful youth etc….
  • Is very sporty and gifted in many sports
  • Has a beautiful voice and can play several instruments
  • He or His parents are wealthy
  • He is extroverted, temperament, honest, helps others, but is also a bit jealous

(This time not Wikipedia but Urban Dictionary)

  1. A Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect that he or she warps the world around them to display their perfection. It seems as though nothing in this universe except Mary Sue is even real, and is instead a plot device to make Mary Sue seem flawless and love
  2. A Mary Sue is an original character (oc) and has no flaws.
  3. The main character of the new Mulan and the Star Wars sequels.
  4. See Mary-Sue. A female fanfiction character who is so perfect as to be annoying. The male equivlalent is the Marty-Stu. Often abbreviated to “Sue”.
  5. A Mary Sue is a seemingly perfect character. Their male counterpart is a Gary Sue or a Marty Sue. They have little to no flaws.
2 years ago

Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t need Wikipedia, I’ve been working in this field for years and probably writing longer than you’re in the world.

It’s just that you don’t see that you’re talking nonsense, that’s a lot about you. The fact that you recognize a proven phenomenon only as “existent” as soon as it could be googled and don’t understand that there was a time before the internet also speaks volumes.

I have already specifically stated that this figure is clearly a sue. You bite yourself to the wiki definition you don’t even understand. I have no idea where your problem is.

2 years ago

In combination? All together are a clear sign.

You’re getting out because you can’t name anything concrete.

Usually, it can handle tasks considerably more easily than comparable figures with similar training and experience.

None of the points correspond to the Wikipedia definition.

2 years ago

In combination? All together are a clear sign. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Look here. Now it becomes personal.

If you want to see this, it only shows me that you have great difficulty in spelling and reading. Your insistence on a proven FALSCHEN statement indicates great understanding deficits for me. Furthermore, to say that there is no term, because it has only occurred on day X in a search engine, makes me doubt my counterpart, who does not understand that the Internet is not the measure of all things and knowledge, and there was also a time “before” where not everything was logged.

The questioner does not describe Mary Sue Person. No matter what decade.

As proven and explained, your view is simply wrong.

2 years ago
  • Looks good
  • Has a radiance full of pride, beautiful youth etc….
  • Is very sporty and gifted in many sports
  • Has a beautiful voice and can play several instruments
  • He or His parents are wealthy
  • He is extroverted, temperament, honest, helps others, but is also a bit jealous

“Finish” is a worthless statement. For example, I cannot rule out that you are an alien with twenty tentacles. But that’s not a document.

So please. Which of the above points proves: This is a Mary Sue person.

2 years ago

Because it simply needs more explanation and explanation. But he describes properties that you can NOT exclude 100% that it is a Mary-Sue character. Not to mention the description in your Wikipedia extract.

2 years ago

No property that the questioner lists justifies the division as Mary Sue.

2 years ago

But if I look at you like Jacques Clouseau I’m not surprised.

Look here. Now it becomes personal.

The questioner does not describe Mary Sue Person. No matter what decade.

2 years ago

A Gary Stu would easily find a Freud – and she would be perfect!

Wrong. Bzw. this can be quite, but finding NO girlfriend would not be an argument against it being a Mary Sue or the like.

Sky-Destiny Joy Rivia-Vengerberg (the impossible daughter of Geralt of Riva and Yennefer of Vengerberg from the Witcher series), who has saved her Conduit moment with 4 years and after two days in Aretuza is practically already archmaster, polymorphy ruled, the barrier in Garstang with a fingernap is completely immune to any effect of Dimeritium

That would be the content of history. And then she turns out to be a mum substitute at Tissaia, because Geralt and Yennefer have already died and the poor little thing had to be adopted and raised by any royal family. And Tissaia, who saved her life in the meantime, after refusing her theory in the poisoned source, then continues to explain to her that she is a beautiful young girl and that she could all lie at her feet and that she could have everyone (because Tissaia would do this on JEDEN FALL… shit on emancipated magician and something like that…). And Sky-Destiny is completely destroyed on the ground, because exactly the one person they have WILL doesn’t love her-

He/she actually loves her, but he/she just doesn’t dare to say because he/she is afraid of disappointments. Because Sky-Destiny is so perfect and radiant and could have anyone, why not speak to me and better not and do cold and repulsive because you don’t want to be hurt…

It doesn’t matter if it’s perfect or not, because for Sky-Destiny he/she’s FREE PERFECT.

And despite the fact that Sky-Destiny only finds out on the deathbed that he/she loves her would NOT MINDER a Mary Sue…

2 years ago

No, you’re totally wrong. The term Mary-Sue has been much longer, I have known it for over 20 years! You have no idea what you’re talking about. The term “Mary-Sue” exists much longer, especially in the author and fanfic area and not only since 2015. I started writing in 1998 and I just bumped into it insignificantly later.

You have no idea what you’re talking about and obviously you’re not able to see a mistake. But if I look at you like Jacques Clouseau I’m not surprised.

2 years ago

2 years ago

This is completely wrong:

Yes, that’s right. When analysing the search queries (what was done), the term “Mary Sue” appeared as a synonym for a faultless, overarchingly competent person only in 2015.

That the figure was introduced much earlier is irrelevant.

2 years ago

I don’t believe you know what you’re talking about because I can’t imagine what field you could have spent these 25 years.

Literary area, starting with Fanfiction and then professional.

Especially since SW TFA 2015 the term is used in general.

This is completely wrong: The term Mary Sue comes from the short story A Trekkie’s Tale by Paula Smith, a parody on Star-Trek-Fan-Fiction stories, published in the magazine Menagerie #2 in 1973. The Half Vulcan Lieutenant Mary Sue Kirk, Spock and Dr McCoy are superior in every respect.

2 years ago

I don’t believe you know what you’re talking about because I can’t imagine what field you could have spent these 25 years. Especially since SW TFA 2015 the term is used in general.

A Gary Stu would easily find a Freud – and she would be perfect!