Wie findet ihr diese Fanfiction?

Hier der Link (ich habe sie selbst geschrieben, keine Sorge ich Stelle hier keine fremde Fanfiction rein)


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2 years ago

Something’s coming here every day. And usually I don’t want to read it. Your text is very liquid, so it’s good. And the spelling is still true. It’s too unique.

I’d print it if I could, and read it on the way. I think you have a talent that is worth developing. Let me know if a story of at least a few dozen pages is completed.

2 years ago

Your grammar isn’t good, it’s already on the flap text.

Keep in mind the big and small description and composition.

It also means: “Hass who to Love developed”

In terms of content, the text is fine, where you might mention that it is a Harry Potter fanfiction, because not everyone reads the tags.

2 years ago

Yes, very neat for wattpad.

The dialogues are often wooden. Let’s read it out from others, you know that nobody would talk like that.

And the idea of history would be better off, without the Harry Potter drum history.

What always bothers is that the scribes don’t even make the effort and a spelling program can be run through. That’s annoying.