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7/10. In my opinion, all this is somewhat too little shaded and with an eye there are no eyelashes on the lower eyelid. And somehow the chin has got to the right bit thick but still solid👍
This looks very good, but the left eye (from her point of view) looks like it’s not done yet. And the mouth is also something wrong, but otherwise it looks really nice. 🤗👍
I would give an 8/10
L G BlackCat
Thank you.
This is not a scala, but the drawing is good, only the left eye does not seem to be finished. Or does she just taste?
Haha is by the way unfinished drawing
Especially the eyes, the face shape and the neck look weird. Otherwise it’s all right.
It is already a very good start, as it was drawn relatively close to reality. However, many probortions do not vote so much. I would give it a 6,5/10
So… on a scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is the best, I would like the drawing give a 7.5.
Very strong. The face acts a little “overexposed”, especially the nose. The right eye also looks a little strange, but can also be normal.
I’m not an artist, but I’d give a 7/10, 2-, whatever
I can answer that hard. Significantly, it’s school grade 1, but if the girl actually looks like this, I’m sorry – actually very nice, but that one eye and mouth are a little weird.
Hey Nobody 🙂✨!
Chin part almost perfect, hairline great. Unfortunately, the eyes did not succeed. Not because of the size, but because of the lack of the same light point. The look is almost unreal, you are not “followed” .
Greetings, Christoph 🖖
Very welcome
If the Laie wants to draw challenging pictures. It doesn’t sound nice, but that’s a three plus.
Unfortunately, there are too many errors and inaccuracies. Accurate portrait is scarcely difficult to draw. And in the end it must be the same as the original, which is not visible here.
Obviously, the eyes are unequal. Even if one is not done yet. (Or the lady really has a silver look.)
Nose and mouth are crooked or distorted. And then a few little things.
Every person is asymmetric in the face, that makes up the charm of a person.
Here the small unevennesses of the left eye and mouth angle are prominent in the foreground, but this can be well balanced.
You have really good talent to draw.
Good for you.
I don’t know the model, so I don’t know how well I see if she really has a sloppy mouth and a big eye.
But otherwise damn good, 7 out of 10.
I wish I could draw like that
5,534034 / 10
The two faces look totally different.
The whole face has no symmetry at all. There’s nothing wrong with each other. I’m sorry.
On what scale?
The right eye in the picture and the right nose wings do not quite agree. Otherwise, it looks good. The hair structure in the lower area could be more detailed.
I’d give a 9/10 that looks like the right eye was cut and the left isn’t.
does the person have any disease or is it paralyzed on one side because their eye looks so strange on one side and the mouth angle is asymmetrical?
No face is really symmetrical….
That’s a drawing I’m a professional
Hello Nobody22940!
Two faces in one, very well done!
How 2 haha
I added my answer with an assembly that shows both faces.
Is your question serious? With an image editing program your image is turned until it is in the solder, halved, each half duplicates, each second half mirrored and appropriately assembled.
How did you do that?