Wie findet ihr die Vertürkung der deutschen Sprache?
Zb dauernd Worte wie mashallah oder Wallah oder amana
Zb dauernd Worte wie mashallah oder Wallah oder amana
Ich m21 bin da sehr locker eingestellt. Bei meiner Familie ist es mir letztlich egal, wer mich sieht, vor allem wenn es auch ein Mann bzw. Junge ist. Und ehrlich gesagt, auch im Schwimmbad. Auch wenn der kleine Mann da unten mal hart wird, habe ich kein Problem, wenn ihn jemand sehen würde. Wie steht…
Habt ihr vielleicht eine Idee, was man mit Kindern zwischen 7 und 10 Jahren (sowohl Mädchen und Jungen) binnen 1,5 Stunden basteln kann? Also etwas nicht ganz so aufwendiger, weil wir zu zweit 10 Kinder betreuen. Im besten Fall passt es zum Thema Winter bzw. speziell Januar oder ist neutral (Jahreszeitenunabhänging). Danke im voraus Ich…
Kann man? Wenn ja wäre geil 😀
Ich weiß noch nicht genau welche Zeitform meistens gelten sollte ich brauche dringend Hilfe
„Das ist ihre Rose“
Auch die großen Barockkomponisten wie Händel, Vivaldi, Bach, Telemann, usw. fallen nicht in den “Hochbarock”. Warum aber gilt das 17. Jhd. als Hochphase des Barocks, obwohl es kaum wirklich bekannte Barockbauwerke in Deutschland aus dieser Zeit gibt noch bekannte Komponisten?
Well, these are only certain circles that communicate like that.
Luckily I have nothing to do with such people.
I also find it a kind of language of longterm unemployed. It’s just my observation of life reality.
These are young people or young adults who want to come over Cool.
The longterm unemployed are not.
Like a well-known Berliner hiphopper said. The “German” (with emphasis on the quotation marks) hiphop is without exception characterized by long-term unemployed.
I think that’s a bit of shit.
These whole “Rappers” who are partly German, but want to sound like an Assi-Turkey.
The Kiddys are doing this.
Don’t bother me to be honest. Language is constantly changing. And he’s not stopping whether it bothers me or not. I think that’s good. That’s how things go. Everything changes – also the language.
Sure, you also benefit greatly from us and in the past. If the majority ratios in the population change, the language also dehydrates. And not just that.
Come on, bitch. But that’s how you’re neonazis. Too bad. If you want to rush, it’s open and doesn’t disguise it by seemingly harmless questions
Oh, yeah, I’m actually left green. Thank God.
I don’t know what you mean by “her” and “our”. I also do not think that the language is “diluted” by these terms. It is changing and developing. That’s how it is, languages will never remain the same, what do you think our current German has developed? That’s it. Outer influences. The world is colorful. Come on.
As said, such people are then usually supplied in the form of tax revenues from companies and their employees.
I only think about teachers in public schools, social workers, employees of foundations such as the Amadeus Antonio Foundation, broadcasting, many media professions. Nothing that has to face a market.
No, I’d be poor if I didn’t go to university.
Hey super, then you’re traditionally employed in a profession whose salaries result from the benefits of the so-called net taxpayers. Without these people, you’d be poor.
The language is influenced in all countries by foreign languages, it is necessary to accept it because you cannot change it.
I’ve never heard these words.
I find that bad, but language is a social phenomenon and constantly changing. Turkish is also summoned with German words, is often practical
That’s what I smelled. This is a youth language and will grow out,
You only hear that in certain circles. If you hear that often, you should question your handling.
I’m right to you.
However, volunteer work in the Social Office.
That fits exactly to my statement – except for the second sentence 😊
I ignore all the superfluous angerisms.
Anglicisms are international. Turkish and Arabic Proll-German not.
What is particularly expressed here in the case of a good question about untapped anglicisms of minors is no less prollous than the Sandland-Slang.
Anglicisms are annoying and are just as superfluous, even if they are international.
Same phone
There are now many examples, I would like to describe one thing: Public Viewing is used for live broadcasts in sports, but it describes something quite different in English. The English people call such a public screening.
How do you think that only Germans use these anglicisms, lucas?
The Anglicisms used by Germans are by no means international, but only English.
Hello lueluelue8!
Is there another one he’s talking about?
Nix saturated
I think you don’t understand,
Works on Me very prolific. But good, you can quickly see what client you have to do with.
Often without profession
Just as unsightly as Anglicisms.
German is such a beautiful language and hardly anyone can control it right. Aside from spelling and grammar.
I don’t know, I haven’t met in my environment yet.
Hahaha the doorstep, never heard
If there was something like that, it would be a doorkization and not a “door”.
Don’t bother me, I studied Linguistics.
Then you’re probably a typical green university graduate who meets every cliché.
ah so, and you are the typical rights that make fake questions, but they only serve the rush. It’s nice to say,
No, a typical linguist
So it is
I think that’s tamam.