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1 year ago

There are 353 different savings banks in Germany alone.

That is why we cannot say that on a flat-rate basis.

However, what one has to see is that branch banks naturally have quite different costs than direct banks (online banks) and therefore are correspondingly more expensive in some products.

1 year ago

Serious abstain. They have an unfavourable cost structure, only because they have to be present on site with branches (=personnel). It is not possible to expect the same prices as for an Internet bank consisting of two men and a computer;o)

1 year ago

There are not “the savings bank”, but some 350 different savings banks with some distinct differences.

In principle, most of these are serious, but many are also comparatively expensive.

1 year ago

A bank like any other

1 year ago

Saving banks are not better or worse than other banks. Everyone wants to earn you, because they live of it.

1 year ago

If you are still asking for bank account fees and don’t pay interest, you’re a deductor. At that time, the account management fees were also established, there is no interest and it is necessary to pay fines to the money at the central bank. Today, the interest on my credits will continue as before.

At the c24 bank, I get 2.5% on my current account balance.

1 year ago

Banks with account management fees are depreciation.