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Hello, Jessy205.
The peach juice of Amecke tastes meeeega well.👍
I like to drink it.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
I hope the iron juice of it also tastes:(
Can’t say anything about it, because they’re too expensive to me. A selection at the supermarket would be nice – about 1 liter for 1 euro. If they are so compelling, taste as much better than other juices, I would probably buy them from time to time. Even better: You could taste a few swallows of different varieties in the entrance area … I like to try!
I buy several litres 🙂
What have you tried?
Juice with vitamin D, magnesium, iron, vitamin C. Mix all pure juices with water. I saw a shopping basket from the AmekeTetrapak packaging.
What do they cost? And where is the offer?
Can you tell me what it was?
Clear and tastes good and dilute you can always 🙂
I am a woman myself and have iron deficiency. I’m not gonna shake him away, I just think positive 🙂
I also drink other juices of course. But if you have the “iron” juice in your house, you will not shake it away because you are unsure! Then at least give him someone else to drink. Best of a young woman who need iron most, wg. the period.
Okay, because I bought Amecke’s iron juice today and I’m totally uncertain whether to try it or not:D
I usually drink other juices
Makes me good