Wie findet ihr die Portionsgrössen (keine Sorge, dass hat sie nicht gegessen)?

Das sind Bilder einer Freundin. Das Frühstück ihrer Tochter. Als Richtlinie, wie viel unsere einmal gegessen hat an Portionen mit einem Gewicht von 53/54 kg und 13 Jahre alt und gute 153/54 kg. Mit so einer Portionsgrösse hält sie ihr Gewicht. Ich habe keine Fotos von damals gemacht.

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2 years ago

It does not apply to a single meal, but to the total feed. How big a portion in the morning ideally has to be is culturally conditioned, a correct or wrong does not exist.

2 years ago

Optic seems to be a lot, but when you look more closely, you can see that there are only cucumbers, tomatoes apflel, yoghurt. Everything with a few calories. Only the noodles are more energy-rich, but who eats noodles for breakfast!

2 years ago

It fits well, only fruit and yogurt are not necessary, either or

2 years ago

Ah Hasilein, slowly you should know, every person is different, every person is completely different and the cheese you have been withdrawing since 5 accounts here is slowly boring. If you are finally looking for a new pediatrician who knows how to deal with food properly and get you a nutritional advice into the house. You cannot compare yourself and the family with others, even if you like to do it again and again.

2 years ago
Reply to  SusanneMiller

Yeah, that’s it.

2 years ago

It’s not much, it’s the Kcal.

That’s too little.

2 years ago
Reply to  SusanneMiller

3 servings for the day.

2 years ago

When I saw the pictures first, I thought that I was easy to eat in a portion, but I am 23 and sporty xD

At the age of the girl but that’s really a lot

2 years ago


So I’m just as old as the daughter, that’s too much for me.

For me, such a plate would be too much for the whole day…


2 years ago

I don’t see a picture. However, a meal is not crucial. I can also eat nix or three pizzas without changing my weight in the long term. The overall balance is crucial, not a single meal.

2 years ago
Reply to  SusanneMiller

You can’t, you just don’t want to, this is the small but fine difference, with the other accounts you could also disguise us with pictures of some fellow pampe.

2 years ago
  1. Photos missing
  2. Don’t worry about how much others eat
2 years ago
Reply to  SusanneMiller
  1. Congratulations
  2. Okay, then write that too
  3. Tell me where you’re writing that it’s about you and your daughter. You’re asking for your girlfriend’s daughter and that’s none of your business!
  4. These are quite normal portions
2 years ago

is about my daughter and not about others.

Lies have short legs!

2 years ago

So what? What is this about?

2 years ago

In the morning only half of the breads, in the afternoon the yogurt away and less fruit, in the evening no fruit and half of the tomatoes. Rather normal but everyone is different depending on how much movement the child has.

2 years ago

Why do you have to eat with 13 of a plate?

Well, be it. Weight and age without size does nothing.

That’s too much fruit on the plate. The sweet yogurt is as much too much, there is kilos of sugar on the plate.

It’s better to eat more properly than all the sweet stuff.

2 years ago
Reply to  SusanneMiller

Didn’t you read my answer?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kugelflitz

It looks like a hospital.

2 years ago

And yet you post hospital plates.

2 years ago

who likes it in the morning

2 years ago

These are pictures of a friend. Her daughter’s breakfast.

Sure…comely that the daughter is just as big, old and heavy as your daughter.

Is that the legendary “children’s plate”?

Stop annoying us here with your food problems.

Turn to the pediatrician or a nutritional advice and you should additionally aim for a therapy.

2 years ago

I’ll tell you