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Dessou oberteile im alltag?
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Doesn’t she like that now, isn’t my youtube tasted, rather stand on lets plays like minecraft or GTA
I liked her, but now she’s not coming over well.
When dancing, she exaggerates
She comes over with her videos like a pick me
She shows too much in my opinion
She wears too much makeup
Lg Lisa
( my own opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
I don’t really know her, but she looks very confident and I like her hair
Typically used to generate clicks. What she influenzas: I don’t know, did not look after, but it’s probably something where she can permanently present her figure and skin.
The basic facts placed on the table. Absolutely right, because it presents itself through dance videos or the like, so nothing admirable or unique. Just sad as you can be lost…
That’s disgusting.
Untrained, thick and polished
Just cocky as people celebrate her sooo hard, although under the mask she is just a not talented and hopeless woman
And that kind of bullshit…
This woman is proof that the youth is just as lost as the older ones with their politics. Where are the sports, healthy and artistic good young people. Look at her. Fault, thick and unpainted. This is our great youth.
Your figure is proof that most German are thick and that even celebrations
She’s not even fat
It is 170cm tall and weighs 80 kilos. It’s overweight. Acceptance
I don’t care if I don’t like it visually. She looks unfit
I looked and there’s 55kg. It’s a different dilara or something.
too artificial and not pretty