Wie findet ihr die drastischen Erhöhungen der Strafen für Verstöße von Radfahrern im Straßenverkehr?
Ich finde das persönlich schon lange überfällig. Ich bin selber 100% Radfahrer und kann es nicht verstehen, warum sich Radfahrer inzwischen so aggressiv verhalten. Viele von denen tragen Fahrradhelme, Warnweste und haben teilweise Batterie Fahrräder. Damit heizen sie dann oft rücksichtslos über die Radwege und stellen eine Gefahr für Radfahrer, Fußgänger, Autofahrer und letztendlich für sich selber dar. Besonders Autofahrer und auch LKW Fahrer werden dadurch in prekäre Situationen gebracht.
I have to give you the right. I say extra, unfortunately, because in the Meiden there is always talk of the bad driver. Certainly, there are also black sheep among them and not a few, but it is generalized, which is simply not right. In my opinion, the e-bikes have created a completely new kind of ride. I think that many people are aware.
I am a cyclist myself and often see how other cyclists and drivers disregard the rules, the suffering of others. In Switzerland, fines are significantly higher and hardly anyone disregards the rules. Basically, the increase makes sense
However, other reasons than you mention. Cyclists on walkways or wrong roadside as a ghost driver I see here as a great danger for other cyclists and pedestrians. Whether E or not E now.
Just as well I welcome the higher penalties in the KFZ area. Especially because parking on cycling is really annoying and dangerous for us cyclists.
Not only for cyclists, but for all, the penalties must be increased. Only that alone won’t do anything unless it’s controlled.
Were they also taken, e.g. false parking, rescue gate etc
Not high enough. There are still zig-zags who cannot comply with traffic rules.
Will there always be
So with cyclists is often the problem that they drive like wild and by traffic you drive through the cars and you have to be careful not to cross. You have to pay attention.
They should also include E Roller.They simply pull out overtaking braking out vehicles.They should be punished really hard.Not now we have the green fool freedom.Auto is already banned 2035.Climate activists still strengthen no.
I say as someone who’s mainly on the bike. We’re just as excited about the Rowdys we need to share the few places we have.
Do you have a comparison to before?
Yeah, so a few years ago it was different. It started with the bike helmets. I’ve seen these bull rases. Helmet up and down through the middle. With the e-bikes it has become even worse.
jou, that’s true and too many people do not control things.
The penalties should be increased everywhere, even for car drivers. And that’s not what I mean, it’s worth 10-20€ more. In such a thing with street races, there should be severe prison sentences, the cars are confiscated and the driving licence is withdrawn for life.
In my opinion, the fines should be spread to income and should be large amounts (for example more than 30km/h too fast = 3x 30% of the net salary as a penalty).
There were even signs in Switzerland to prevent cyclists from being anonymous.
Idiots and anti-socials exist everywhere, and for cyclists the seemingly moral superiority right comes in. I like to drive and a lot of bicycle, but also car, camper, commercial vehicles..
Cyclists are egoists and the opinion always have a driveway, but not always the case, and why drive on the road when there is a cycle path.
If the cycle path is not subject to use, you do not have to use it and can also drive on the road. Cycling routes are usually as well developed as the road of the GDR. 40 years of nix and rather ne huckelpiste (at least where I live)
If there is a bike path, it must be used, but most of the bikers’ heads do not understand, they are of the opinion that they are all allowed and do not have to adhere to the rules.
Why do our government look at gasoline prices cars away free choice that is still multiplying.And if what happens the poor cyclists.
In Germany unfortunately the predominant part…
Last year there stood 200 m (two hundred meters) of a usable cycle path in the newspaper… Recently there was a deadly accident just after this piece…
That there are bad bike paths out of question that is so, but is only a part.
Because much, as in Germany as so-called. “Radweg” is unfortunately life-threatening – a pale pink Rumpelstreifchen on GEHwegen (run behind parking cars) is also not more harmless by a blue sign – at any opening, crossing, green dot entry is not far away…
Legally, this circumstance was taken into account already 25 years ago and the duty to use the bike was removed from the StVO – in the meantime, many of the aforementioned blue wheel road signs were also unscrewed, because the construction does not comply with the statutory regulations and becomes a pure route.
Even though the windshield makes every “roadway” look good and safe, it’s not a long time…
Anyone who thinks normal can still use a cycle path even if there is no blue sign, I would definitely do what is unnecessary on the road if there is a cycle path next to it.
I’m a cyclist myself. Do NOT use a bike path MUSS. Only when a blue sign with a white bicycle is to be seen, a separate or common foot and cycle path is signposted (Blue sign with wheel and pedestrians next to or among each other) This requires the use, you learn in the drive, and primary school. How about post-school?
Cyclists have lost nix on the street, the car is boss here.
Times are over. We can learn from the Dutch, who separate the transport areas
However, the Dutch map the infrastructure for cyclists in an equivalent way and do not consider the final location where you can sign a pale pink rumpel straddle on the GEHweg…
Yes, but they also have delicious cheese and people are friendly ^^ not as with us, where every cyclist comes a man in the midlifecrisis or a woman Lastenrad, who is just from the ecostore.
(Don’t take quite seriously, please) 😀
Cyclists are exactly as participants of the road and if there is no use bike path or bike lane available on the road. Then it means 1.5 m distance for KFZ.
S-Pedelecs even have to drive on the road.
That’s what they’re endangering.