Wie findet ihr die Bildbearbeitung?
Habe mich mal an zwei Bilder in der Abenddämmerung gewagt.
Wie findet ihr den Vorher-Nacher-Vergleich? Was hättet Ihr anders gemacht?
In der Regel ging ich hier bei beiden Versionen wie folgt vor:
-Himmel: Belichtung weniger, wärmer
-Objekt: Klarheit, Belichtung mehr
-Highlights (Straßenbahn, Park bspw.): Belichtung
Bin offen für Tips und Verbessungsvorschläge 🙂
At the first motif you have made it worse, at the 2nd very good, especially not so exaggerated.
Super beautiful <3
Must tell honestly, the editing isn’t really immediately (This is nothing bad!🙂), but I find much more the motifs very boring🤯 the colors are beautiful naturalistic 😄
This is more an advantage
Often yes, I meant that alsoðŸTM‚
Try to catch the most beautiful buildings from Bremen. The selection is limited. 😀 What would you have changed from editing? 🙂
Differently, there everyone has their own style🤯 I like zb dramatic pictures, but not too strong, just as n bit or again very soft pictures, that comes to the situation and the motive on it at🙂
The first image is worse after processing. The red/Lila in the sky was actually beautiful.
In the second picture I like the contrast better. You see clearly where the sun comes from (left side of the picture is brighter than the sun is raying). The sun is too eye-catching orange. She draws all the attention, what I think was not the idea of your picture
I’m glad you noticed all this. Did specially mask the left side of the building and adjust the exposure and temperature somewhat. With the sun you’re probably right or I agree. I guess I’ll change that again. Thanks for your feedback!
I’d take some saturation out all over the sky. It is important in photography to make people aware of what the motive is. Just look at how the saturation/lightness of an object alone influences whether you look. I thought earlier also: overall picture is important, but it is more important to have a motif in the picture.
At the first picture, the motive is clearly the building left, at the second building I think the middle building is interesting, along with the two streets around it
You did well. It looks better by editing, but still of course
I’m honest, I didn’t see the revisions right away. Actually, I only saw her when I read the explanation (so what you changed).
But it’s probably because I don’t know that well in this area and I’m not so trained.
In any case, I find it nice as you have produced the warmth of red orange light in the second picture. I’ve had a little warmth.
To the first, I can’t say anything because I can’t see the differences exactly (as I said, probably my eye is not trained enough or so)
I hope I could help.