Wie findet ihr denn Film the Creator (2023)?

Viele fande ihn ja mittelmäßig aber einer der bekanntesten deutschen film Kritiker namens David Hain hat dem Film 4.5/5 gegeben

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1 year ago

I found the movie completely fine, a masterpiece of course is not.

ber one of the most famous German film critics named David Hain gave the movie 4.5/5

Did that make you sell?

1 year ago

I rated him with a very well-meaned 7/10 on IMDb. Realistically, it was a 6.5/10. But I rounded up because IMDb does not allow half points! 😅 So, after Hain then a 3.25/5.

The film itself was not so bad. But apart from the blew end, another critique was the main actor … Denzel Washington’s son and ex-football player “John David Washington”.

He wasn’t convincing for me at all and was an absolute interference factor in the film!