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I like the name very well, also the meaning.
What does Natalie mean?
The name Natalie goes back to the Latin word “natalis” and translates “the born on Christmas” and “the day of birth”. Especially in France, Natalie is a very popular first name that is also associated with the French word “noël”.
Where’s Natalie?
The name Natalie comes from Latin and is derived from “this natalis”, which means “day of birth”. In Christianity, the birthday of Christ is hereby announced. The current translation of the name is therefore “the born on Christmas”. The French word “noël” is also associated with Natalie and is translated directly with “Christmas”.
When is Natalie’s name day?
The name date for Natalie is December 1st, December 18th, December 24th and July 27th.,Natalie.html
I like the name.
Natalie is a very sound name. It contains four vowels. In Latin natalia related to “Birth Day of the Lord” (Christmas) and Christian rebirth. Natalie has been awarded at least 2800 times as the first first name since 2010.
LG by Manfred
I think the name is beautiful.
I like it. I like it.
I’m very beautiful!
I personally like the name very, very good!
Natalie is a beautiful name that I like.
This name is not at every corner, and I like it very much.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
The name I find So unbelievable beautiful!!♥♥️
I think Love killed Natalie earlier from jealousy. But Joe was obsessed once again and somehow didn’t leave her a choice. I don’t think the name is particularly attractive and someone who means that usually seems imaginative to me. Has no reason
I like…
I don’t like it. There are beautiful names
I find the name “Natalie” beautiful.
Normal name, neither good nor bad
It’s okay