Wie findet ihr den Namen?
Hi! Meine Tante erwartet ein Mädchen und ich soll ihr helfen, einen passenden und schönen Namen zu finden. Wir beide finden Hailey und Magdalena ultra hübsch und ich wollte fragen, mit was ihr die beiden Namen jeweils verbindet und ob die Namen euch gefallen, oder welcher euch am besten gefällt und so…
Bitte nur ehrliche Antworten!
Vielen Dank im Vorraus!
Names are tasteful thing when you find the names beautiful then the little one so I personally find them not so beautiful but everyone finds something else beautiful
With Hailey I connect a pretty, successful American and Magdalena I always have to think of Maria Magdalena, not that the child is still plucked xD
Yes, but the ones who are only Maria are also not bullied 🙂
I like both names.
Hailey is very sweet. I baptized a goat. The name is more English, but if you don’t mind, don’t speak.
Magdalena’s not bad either. There will be no problems with writing and the name is more common here.
I think both are in vain.
Let your aunt decide.
LG and all the good
I find the name Hailey super beautiful, have long thought to call my cat so and I still like it very well! I think Magdalena sounds a bit old.
Magdalena sounds IMHO something “old-baked” – Hailey (for here) in need of housing…
…but ultimately your aunt has to decide…
Take a look https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magdalena#Varians
Malena or something seems vague. something “modern” – “international” – is clear to write;o)
Oha Thanks a lot! I’ve never heard 🙂
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malena_(first name)
and there was a film of the same name…
Hailey’s out of TBBT, Magdalena’s going like this, but I’m sure he’s getting shortened.
Hailey is American. And I just don’t like Magdalena.
If I expected a daughter, I would call her Victoria.
Oh yes Victoria is really great!
Magdalena I find pretty and probably just Lena
Magdalena sounds kind of old and boring is my opinion.
Magdalena I find more beautiful, because I always have to think about Hailey Bieber…
I think Magdalena is more old. Kind of reminds me of Polish Omis.
At the moment I find Weynona beautiful.
Oha pretty I’ve never heard 🙂
I heard Prime in two series. Sounds melodic and a little Indian. I’m fine. But I’ve looked, Weynonna writes.
I don’t like both names, Hailey thinks I’m terrifying, and Magdalena. How about Tabea? 😗
Tabea is my aunt’s sister The name is great too!
Hihihihi … ð😂🤣 , that’s cool!
I find Hailey very nice when the name matches the last name.
Magdalena is too biblical and too old-fashioned.