Wie findet ihr den Münchner Hauptbahnhof von der Größe und der Übersichtlichkeit her?
Der Münchner Hbf hat insgesamt 36 Gleise. Hinzu kommen noch 2 Gleise in einer Tunnelstation, an der die S-Bahn hält. Der Holzkirchner Bahnhof mit den Gleisen 5-10 liegt etwas versetzt vom Starnberger Bahnhof und der Haupthalle. Wie war für euch die Größe und Übersichtlichkeit, als ihr das erste Mal in München wart? Wie ist es mittlerweile?
In fact, there are 34 tracks.
The tracks of the tram and subway lines are not included.
I find the Munich Hbf quite clear despite its size and the current mega site.
When you arrive for the first time very confusing when a lot is going, you don’t know where. I was glad I had longer stay
Terrible I had to recently from track 23 to track 9. The ICE had delay of the other train to Freilassing departed on time, I was about 5 m before. So wait an hour to the next
Before large parts of it were demolished this was my favorite station in Germany, I found great.
Now practically the entire railway station hall is missing, the entrance from the front and also some. Let’s see what happens when he’s done.
is just a baggage station!