Wie findet ihr den Film American History x?
Es ist einer meiner Lieblingsfilme, aber alle meine Freunde mögen ihn nicht und behandeln mich deswegen als Außenseiter. Ich würde mich gerne mit anderen Leuten über den Film austauschen und diskutieren, deswegen meine Frage.
Wie interpretiert ihr den Film?
Puh’s long since I saw him, but I loved him too.
Among other things, the film shows that people are able to change when they get out of their “Bubble” and are confronted with what they fear.
Especially the racial hate is due to the fact that one wants to see only the negative in a human group, because one is strictly afraid but is not really aware of what. And that violence is the absolutely wrong way of solving, because it only leads to more hatred and counter-force. With a person who is considered to be parasitic or inferior, but sometimes communicating and not being judged (back) by him, but being perceived simply as a human being, a great help can be to rethink his worldview and change his perception. Especially when you have no one else – not even the group where you are the king – but on the contrary, you have forcibly slipped into the role of the one that you used to have been convinced of.
The end also shows how the sheet can turn. If the former perpetrator remains a symbol of hatred, even if he has abandoned his ideologies and principles. There will always be someone who is willing to use violence to do the right thing (from his perspective) or simply to practice revenge because he cannot deal with his fear and hatred. And then everything starts again in the worst case.
Well, that’s at least what I took from the movie for the most part. It’s a great movie and I think who doesn’t like it didn’t understand him, because the message is powerful.
I give you 100% right! My interpretation is the same. My friends then probably didn’t understand him
To be fair, the movie is not necessarily easy. Very similar to the German film “Wut” (which I can only recommend at this point), which unfortunately is completely misunderstood by many people and even confirmed or strengthened the dislike against migrants.
Thank you.
So it is very short of the problems that can lead to failed integration and lack of perspective. It’s complicated
If you look at the film superficially (and perhaps not very wise), you will not take much more than “Turkish-Bashing”.
But what the stripe can do very well is to make angry and that is also somewhere the goal, because it is supposed to stimulate reflection.
Here’s a trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCiJNEIEYRY
I don’t know where to watch this movie for free.
What is the film “Wut” about?
I liked the movie very well.