Wie findet ihr den Anfang meine Story?
Hallo ich bin 13 und schreibe sehr gern. Mein Traum ist es ein Hobbyautor zu werden oder sowas ähnliches. Ich arbeite gerade an meinem ersten Buch! 😀
Gebt gerne Kritik ab, ich möchte meine Geschichte sehr gerne verbessern!
I don’t think it’s bad now. It’s just a bit “uniform” written so don’t be very exciting. But I think you’re on the right path and never lose sight of your goal, then you’ll make it. I think your writing style would fit a screenwriter.
Hello! For the first time I find it good that you write. But you should revise the story, especially the first two pages you put in here. I’ve been on it with them and I’ve been on it. The first impression is particularly important. When I hit a book and the first chapters are bad, I don’t want to read more. After that, the tension rises a little, which is already good. However, I lack a few adjectives and I would change the part with “laughed Nadine annoying” that sounds strange. Take every criticism and you’ll get better the 1. History is the hardest. Believe me, with some exercise, that’ll be better! I wish you a lot of fun and success in writing 🍀😊
LG Johanna 😊
I don’t know how to say it. At 13 it’s not even so bad and everyone starts, of course you just get better with time. But I can say that there’s always a face behind a book, a story and a ductus. What I want to say with that Letter is not only easy to write, it is also art somewhere, and every artist is own, or known for something. For example, Goethe found many words in his books.
The spelling should also become more intimate, as if you embraced the reader as if the words read like butter flow through the brain. Like when you listen to an aria. ^^
So best you read more books, then you learn very quickly, I also advise you to stick your whole passion in every sentence, so it will take longer, of course, but for that it will be far better.
I’ve read up to that black line and I found it really bad.
I would recommend reading more literature, from everything you want to write yourself