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If I went through the press, I tried a short time… < free version.
Have asked a question – perhaps too complicated!? – and well, that took a few minutes (!) and I thought the AI/KI is looking for something together now and gives me a super horny, detailed answer, but: No!
Answer was only: “Bug! The question was not understood!” *wtf?
In short, as with the other AI/KI, I am not convinced yet!
“ChatpGPT” answered me, but the responses were wrong or invented! The AI/KI has thrown everything together on my question! *arg
KI cannot decide whether something is true or wrong…
Depending on how you ask, they’re making something they’re on the net…
If this is true, the user must check himself…
Then it makes sense to google and/or research yourself instead of using AI!? o
What questions can you test a AI?
I’ve tried, too, but my questions seem too easy for the AI
Ask the AI for information about your person! …
In my case: I have been online for 30 years, write for the music press, there is a wiki entry about me, am musician and book author, have an own company, etc. < am no VIP now, but in the industry/scene actually known and online there are many information about me. There are even photos of me in the "mirror" magazine, have lived in England and played football, etc. < a lot (!) of data are actually present by me < can googles! :)
The AI makes it: “… is a famous actor and musician. Was with his band for decades on world ore, has 6 siblings, best friend of Eric Clapton and B.B. King, became 3x world champion in football and reinvented the wheel!” …
NO!? < So "something" is very, very wrong! These are lies! XD
Okay, that’s fair! “… oh!?” would my answer be too! XD
Now where you say it! There was something with a wheel.
Ask the AI for your name! Then it comes out that “Silas” played in the Christmas series of the ZDF in 1981! XD
Maybe you don’t remember that wheel has redeveloped because you’ve reached so much in life that you don’t notice such little things.
Apparently from the offer (still) comparable to ChatGPT.
One will have to wait for further development to see actual (and not just claimed) benefits.
The Chinese policy is reluctant and proposes to talk about something else. Is there anything you can understand – who likes to pull the plug?
Bad. Such alleged artificial intelligence harms man. Thinking and problem-solving skills go down the brook completely.
No one prevents you from using your mental skills.
The AI doesn’t take anything away from it, does it?
And whoever thinks too strenuous, he is far from education. And that’s not coming through AI.