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So for me, the day show is still a very welcome show. As you can see in general, there is also a generational question. Since in the 1950s we were one of the first ones who had a TV in the street might be due to the fact that this medium and the way of broadcasts from the early years have somehow grown to my heart. At any rate – whenever it is possible to switch to the daily show at 2000 o’clock to a beloved ritual
and gives a mare pleasant rest for the evening. From me, the old-fashioned habits can remain in the audience’s speech.
I didn’t need a spell reform and still like to eat Mohrenkoepfe or Zigeunerschnitzel. I myself also like meaningful modernizations, such as the color television and wireless telephones, but there are also many innovations that are going to pass by me. It is also nice if you can still write with a spring holder, here and there a seat is offered by juengeren and if necessary can also mount the spare wheel itself. So a little tradition is like to see…
I’m all right.
No one says that, not the private. But it’s time for the ARD to sculpt their news spokesmen on a very popular basis. They all look very wooden. The ZDF is very different. Although all the same coaches seem to have. All make very similar hand movements. (Where with the hands?) If you want to take an example to Robert Habeck, it can be perfect.
And that the snippy pareigis does not work. I think.
I think it’s a shame!
It is a piece of appreciation of the viewer and a tiny but decisive loss of quality of life, which is irretrievably lost!
I think it’s a shame! I am male and have therefore addressed myself with “Lord” and appreciated! There have always been and there are ladies and gentlemen – women and men! It’s a shame that an institution like the day’s show can be forced into its knees by some new-moded gender-shinge!
Another stage of brazing.
Did she really work on you?
Personally, it doesn’t matter because I don’t look at the day’s show.
But since I’m not a fan of ladies and gentlemen (I just feel 0 because both aren’t true to me), I feel good, as there are certainly some who take the day-to-day show and which are just as good.
It’s indifferent to me because I’m never looking at daytime.
I couldn’t care less.
What do they say?
I don’t look.
Interested me zero.
I didn’t even notice today.
Don’t tange me.
How does this now influence my life?
Believe we all have bigger problems.
Fully irrelevant.
I’m so sad.
I don’t care. I just want this Thorsten Schröder away!
It’s unisex the day show. For everyone. 🙄
Don’t look
Eher RT german?
Sure, everyone who doesn’t like the day’s show, loves Russian state transmitters
Much worse I find the mostly one-sided reporting on gunsten left green politics.
In the last few days, I missed detailed reports on the dark and an interview with the Federal Minister of Economic Affairs.
Well so – people were questioned and that is the consistent consequence of this survey. But get up, that’s funny.
I decided to keep it all the more with my aircraft announcements. And ladies and gentlemen. It’s just annoying. Only because of 83 million in D approx. 300 do not know if they are males or females. They are allowed to register with me personally before the flight, and then I do “all in between and outside” like a well-known moderator.
Jan Böhnermann?
I find the ladies and gentlemen so outdated – this is hardly used anyway, regardless of the gender debate.
I don’t care
That’s unnecessary bullshit.
That’s it. We deserved that. Let’s go!
In Beijing, a rice bag fell.
That’s Beijing. If the CCP knocks with you.
This is surely the gender
Couldn’t make me care…