Wie findet ihr das, wenn Eltern der Meinung sind ihre Kinder, die eine Hochbegabung haben, dazu drillen zu müssen?

Zum Beispiel ein Musikinstrument zu spielen, obwohl die keine Lust an Musik haben. Wie findet ihr das? Gibt ja solche Eltern.

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4 months ago

Not good. Maybe the children aren’t talented, but the parents would like it. If one is really musically gifted, he/she makes music by himself. However, the music teacher must first find out where and with what kind of music she can start.

4 months ago
Reply to  maria38000

Thanks for the star.

4 months ago

Hello ZEIT66.

I generally don’t think it’s good if parents drill their children.

Children should enjoy what they do. They should want it themselves and not their parents.

💕 greetings star

4 months ago

This has nothing to do with talent.

Rather with high strip.

4 months ago

Probably they want to promote an extraordinary gift.

4 months ago

Actually, I don’t think it’s very nice, and I just find it a pity for the parents to do this to the child. However, I never used to want to practice piano or go to classes. Since it was expensive, I had to go, and now I can also play complicated pieces and get a lot of recognition, so my parents wouldn’t have forced me to go there I would have missed all this. Who the child really doesn’t want to respect the parents

4 months ago

If the children like it (someone can be that way), I don’t think that’s bad at all. They like what they do in this case.

However, if there is a compulsion and the children do not want it at all, that is not in my eyes. Of course, the children’s talents should be encouraged, but they should not suffer from it.