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3 months ago

DIY means to make yourself – that does not mean crafting
If I build a cabinet, this is also DIY, even if you need saw, plank, cordless screwdriver, etc. I give a list of the material and the tools in advance, then everyone can see if it also has it available.
You shouldn’t be limited to crafts.

3 months ago

I find it small-spiritual to depend on the name of the project. So much knowledge of the world can be assumed that there is something like advertising and clickbait. “DIY” is in the trend, so you get attention when you call your stuff like that. This is what the provider of this template wanted to achieve when he used this buzz word. And that’s all.

You can look at or consider what you need to implement this template and whether it fits your own options. And you can’t care whether the provider has used a trendy tag or not.

3 months ago

I see that more differentiated.

You need material and also moulded tools to make yourself something. if there was something like “After pouring and cooling, you get the cooled raw part out of the casting mold and strain it on your NC machining center” that would not be a DIY for me anymore.

But from someone who wants to build himself a cabinet, from which I expect him to have at least a dip saw with a guide rail, better a table circular saw. Even talking, not everyone. I don’t even think I’m doing a lot myself. but I have a) people who have such things and are willing to cut me something or borrow the tool.

It depends on the scope of the project!

3 months ago

DIY does not mean “simplified craftwork”, but “working in self-reality”. There is no level implied and nothing else. This includes crafts with paper and scissors as well as upcycling of civilisation waste, knitting, sewing, crochets, woodworks and God knows everything else.

Who wants to work now needs tools.

It’s up to you, even without or for little money.

3 months ago

I have no complete workshop available. Neither the place nor the equipment. I don’t have much of a template. It’s at most something to watch and get inspiration.

3 months ago

we are not stupid, so you could have saved yourself and instead asked a differentiated one.

and how many workshops it fills, I don’t care, as long as it’s not my workshop.

3 months ago

“Relativ elaborate” is my judgment.