Wie findet ihr das Vater macht Mutter vor den Lehrern des Kindes zur Sau?
folgende Situation: autistisches Kind, dass in der Schule oft die Arbeit verweigert. Gespräch mit den Lehrern deswegen. Eltern getrennt da der Vater die Mutter verlassen hat da er sie hasst. Vater beim Gespräch völlig nervös. Er schiebt der Mutter vor den Lehrern die ganze Schuld in die Schuhe warum sich das Kind so verhält. Die Lehrerin bittet den Vater schon diese Dinge nicht vor ihr zu diskutieren. Er macht weiter und behauptet dass seien einfach nur Fakten, dass das Kind wegen der Mutter so ist und das muss man offen angesprochen werden.
Wie findet ihr das? Muss sich die Mutter jetzt schämen? Ihr ist das Verhalten vom Vater schon äußert peinlich.
No, the mother doesn’t need to be ashamed, but the father.
That’s exactly how my father jumped around with my mother for years. Assuming I’d only be like this because of her and she would mother me too much etc. pp. In doing so, I was an autist or I am still and all “comic” behaviors, “masks” etc. from me were/are all very well explained with this disability/development disorder.
I would advise the mother, everything To lead possible ways so that she gets the sole custody of her and then to worry that the father has to stand out from all matters and she no longer meets him. Contact between father and child only if the child expressly wishes (and the father also).
Such people are poison. Both for the autistic child and for the mother. My mother and I had to do this for years – even after the divorce. Unfortunately, she never got this alone custody, so I wish the mother that she has more strength and happiness.
The fact is: The child has autism. It can be related to autism that the child does not do some things. You should first find out why the child does not do the tasks, does not follow the instructions of the teachers, and this only knows the child himself.
I assume it already has the official diagnosis. Does the child have a disadvantage equalization and is always followed in the same way as prescribed – without exceptions? Does the child go to a normal school or to a school where the teachers were all trained on autism? (I really speak explicitly about autism, not about general disabilities, etc.)
In addition, this is discussed under four eyes and not outside.
Not the mother has to be ashamed, but the father.
Absolutely impossible behavior. The mother can be glad she’s separated from the idiot.
The father seems to think of something better. I’d rather embarrass his behavior than anything else.
You should always discuss this in 4 eyes and not where there are any other people.
Unfortunately, the man has no behavior and is extremely embarrassing when he expresses marital disputes and educational allegations loudly before the teacher. I can’t.
Even if he was right about it, that was the completely wrong place. So it’s completely indiscusable.
EBEN! The behavior of the father is embarrassing. I don’t have to be ashamed of the mother.