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Played romantic, the girl is also sweet.
This is a woman, not a girl
Even 60-year-olds can look like girls, this is barely 16, and the term is worthless. Keep cool.
Jaja, what name did you googelt😂
She’s 16 and a half, she’s researched.
nö only reminded me of it and therefore mentioned it. 🤣🤣
Now come to an end. Isn’t it stinky to discuss a baby doll for days?
Do you think that would be 16? hahahah
Underwear = baby doll
What do you mean?
It’s about the baby doll, not the model.
The name is above, can googeln
A lame fatal as Lolita.
This is a singer
She looks much younger. Is she your girlfriend?
I guess it’s not in yours. She’s 25, you think I’m just saying something like you?
No, 25 is in your dreams.
Seriously? The 25 is also the picture completely photographed, which does not look like that
I think both dresses are pretty.
Find it sweet
Looks like the women used to, from the 1950s
Very ladylike in any case
Did you have a rough photoshop?
Ey raspberry. What’s going on with you today. Bad breakfast. It’s just a normal negligé
Sweet and pink
little?😭 this looks a lot different in reality
Oh, the old one. Yes, it looks a little photo-shopped. Lol
Oh, you wrote “Women” I didn’t get it
No cut
Nothing’s going on? That was a normal question because you said it looks like in the 1950s
Not mine.
How do I know
Fully sweet
How many more?
The Fummel isn’t getting more pretty, no matter how often you ask the question.
The image is also soo edited