Wie findet ihr das selbst geschriebene Gedicht?
Endlich ist der Frühling aufgewacht,hat Sonnenschein nach (Dorf XY) gebracht. Chor der Vögel findet sich in jedem Garten ein, Narzissen, Tulpen, Veilchen bewachsen ihn nun obendrein.
Die Tage kommen blütenreich und mild, erwachen tut im Walde schon das Wild. Die Nachtigall beschenkt die Felder mit Gesang, Zitronenfaltern dazu der erste Tanz gelang.
Ich wünsche euch Gesundheit und Zufriedenheit, eine schöne Osterzeit!
Das Gedicht habe ich heute geschrieben und soll sich an Familienmitglieder wenden.(Während der Osterzeit)
Ich freue mich über jede ernst gemeinte Antwort!
How golden, I see the lemonfolder flutter, smell the flower splendour, spring is awake.
I love poems and better you couldn’t have written it. Nature and not cheesy.
Your family will look forward to spring.
Good for you.
Thank you.
will you
Thank you for the ⭐s no good for you.
Very nice! Not only are your family members, we too.
Thank you.
Please, please.:-)
This is a typical example of “Reim you, or I eat you” – good poetry consists of compressed language in recognizable rhythm and with unavoidable rhymes.
Do not just eat animals? 🤔
This is a common expression for attempts to find an end rhyme with twisted formulations.
Apart from that, people who eat excessively eat, they eat.
Lol, depends on what environment and context.
If you don’t feel well. However, this should be expected from adults.
Very hearty! You did great! 👍
Thank you.
You obviously have no idea of matter…
Yes, I used to be the “home poet” of the family and have always written poems at the big family celebrations.
At a family celebration you don’t enjoy your spirit over the guests, you can do it at school, in the poet club or on the Internet.
But not all families appreciate the heart blood of their bribes.
Probably your spiritual delights were at the same level…
For the family really good.
Thank you.