wie findet ihr das , seit dem in den letzten jahren viele menschen bei amazon betrug in der retoure betreiben, müßen alle darunter leiden…………………?

….. indem alle teureren produkte erst auf originalität und inhalt geprüft werden müßen !!

früher vertraute amazon und retournierte sofort !

jetzt muß ich bis zu 10 tagen auf einen hohen betrag warten 🙁

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5 months ago

It is not only the fraud, but also the way it is delivered.

So I just received the message a few days ago “Submitted. Package placed at door or veranda”.

The kit fell out of my glasses.

What is that for a delivery???

Simply put an item for 140€ in public before the door 😡😡.

That you can assume that this package will be stolen or otherwise will not get any reason, you can count on 3 fingers.

Three times then to claim it was hired – I agreed to this behavior!

DAMIT opens Amazon door and door to the theft when in the hall there are lots of sounds or there is a bus stop outside the door.

I want no delivery, but a delivery; and if it’s only with the neighbor.

5 months ago

That’s right from Amazon. You can complain to fraudulent agents and fraudulent customers.

And for that it has already needed the second question on the same subject. Tsts