Wie findet ihr das outfit?
Würdet ihr sagen es passt alles farblich zusammen?
Würdet ihr sagen es passt alles farblich zusammen?
Hallo hab vor ca 1 monat einen neuen pullover gekauft war 2-3 mal in der wäsche und hat an bestimmten stellen vergilbte flecken kriegt man es raus kann mir jemand weiterhelfen siehe bilder
Als Pflegehinweis steht unter vielen Artikeln verschiedener Modemarken dass man keinen Weichspüler verwenden soll. Kann das der Wäsche schaden? Es handelt sich hierbei um herkömmliche Hoodies, Jacken und Hosen aus Baumwolle. Oder möchte man damit nur der Umwelt etwas gutes tun?
Wieso ist meine haut so? Bitte um schnelle antwort Danke im voraus
hey bin 1.70 groß und suche sneaker schuhe mit einem kleinen Absatz also die mich nicht größer machen am besten sneaker halt zB. Nikes,…
Ich habe dunkel blonde Haare und möchte sie gerne etwas heller haben (nicht zu hell). brauche ich dafür einen Aufheller oder gibt es da auch Alternativen? und was sind die Vor- und Nachteile davon? Würde mich über Antworten freuen LG
Aber nicht irgendwie schnell in Stress den Rauch wild rauspusten, sondern mit Stil… Sondern den Rauch z.B. ganz langsam ausatmen, vom Mund durch die Nase ziehen, dann reden und bei jedem Wort etwas Rauch aus dem Mund kommt und so…
Looks good but would look better if you replaced the roll collar Pulli against a loose shirt.
Otherwise top figure good style.
Yeah, pretty. You look like I’m in my school uniform, you’re the same sometimes. Everything in one pretty good, looks like you’re a rich kid, and the outfit might also give rider vibes of itself.
Colorful it fits together. Sunglasses and roll collar sweaters do not fit together so well – either summer or winter. The jacket can be narrower and longer.
>>>> …. either summer or winter.
Even in winter, sunglasses can be helpful, e.g. when the sun shines on a snow surface and thus the bright white blinds the eyes.
With such an outfit you don’t get into the snow. This is clearly maritim inspired and summery – except for the roller-cracker sweater.
That’s right. My answer also referred only to the combination sunglasses and snow, not to the whole outfit.
So I find color combination suitable. The outfit itself is not my taste but I think this is more taste thing.
A two-rower in dark blue, when I see this right here, looks a little maritim for me. Looks like you wanted your yacht.
I find it elegant and harmonized. Depends on where you’re going. If you’re older, I think. Looks like you’re about 40J.🙂
Colorfully it fits together. But I don’t like the combination of rolling collar sweater and Sakko. For me, the Sakko is a shirt.
Looks stable.
I can’t say about it because it’s left to everyone. Everyone has their own taste
This is a completely insane statement in connection with the question, because the question was how you find the outfit. So it was explicitly asked for your opinion and you will be able to say if you like the outfit or not.
If you really think you can impress someone with it. The only question is who you want to impress with it. When I see you with this blue jacket on the picture, and this white pants with the sunglasses. Then I’m just going through the head that you want to go somewhere in an elegant restaurant. With the skinned hair. Or you want to eat in a shameful suff diner shop and unhealthy, fat meat. What now?
The outfit is the outfit. What are you doing with this outfit? Where are you going?
A fine dine restaurant certainly choose an option. I don’t understand why you thought I’d want to impress someone.
You, I’m not from the day before. That’s a little child. drawers should express elegance and purity through their material. simple colors indicate clearness and sovereignty. if there were flower patterns on it, then you’d get something related to nature. clothes make people.
so with this look. It looks like you want to fuck women like that.
Right, you’re right, but where do I want to impress someone?
Where are you going to go for carnival or what?
Or do you want to go on a ship or on a pilot plane?
I mean, the clothes are nice, but keep silly where you want to go
Very ugly
Thank you, one. Applause.