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I like the Oktoberfest. It has a very own character and is comparable to nothing for me.
I would visit it regularly if I didn’t work there.
I’ve never been there and I haven’t ever been there before.
For a year-market visit, the way is too far.
This is also the reason why I have not visited the Oktoberfest in Munich so far.
Even if I live in Bavaria, Munich is from my residence cirka 380 – 400km away.
From my place of residence there are over 800 kilometers.
I live at the very other end of Germany.
Go with family almost every year. However, life also in Munich country ;).
I find Dirndl and Oktoberfest just belongs to Bavaria.
Personally, I do not have any closer relationships, but “Octoberfest” is still announcing the transition to the more temperature-technically pleasant months of the year.
Hello, is expensive but still beautiful, love greeting
I’ve never been there before, but I like rumble. Just to cuckoo. So I think I’d like him.
Munich and many customers from all WORLDs who find the Ok,but I don’t.Every pig expensive,of course.
It’s easy to find. Even easier to keep away, I choose variant 2. Meide such festivities.
“It’s easy to find.”
That wasn’t the question. Wanted to read opinions.
When you take “how you find” literally, you already 😉
I find such feasts doof, so I avoid them.
I wanted to buy an i mog di herzl, I like the oktoberfest
Leave the main station on the south side. Then you can drive a station with every tram to the west, then you’re there.
That wasn’t the question. Want to read opinions…
That was exactly your question 😰
Great. We’ve been going back for 25 years. However, not to be drunk, but to eat something cozy, to explore everything outside and to drive some rides.
No need.
the Oktoberfest is no longer what it was. It is too crowded and too expensive (
For more than 30 years, I have not been going to the meadows, even though I’m almost at the source.
Tourist magnet, money printing machine, anger, apron, just too much of the good.
Comas baptisms at extreme prices, stumble every 2 meters over an alcohol leash – I don’t have to do that.
Expensive as always
Good for the economy.
Nix for me.
It’s too expensive and it’s just drinking…
I can’t win it.
boring 🤷 ♂️, what you want there. Do not understand the meaning of such events.