What do you think of the new checkout system at Aldi Süd?
Double checkouts where two customers can be cashed out at the same time.
Double checkouts where two customers can be cashed out at the same time.
Aren't they afraid of theft
So, besides US grocery stores, do you know of any supermarket or cheap website where you can get them? Ideally, only the ones that come in 2 instead of 8 🙂
So, it's different than always calculating whether to tip 10-12%! If you were to eat expensive meals sometimes, then cheap meals sometimes…
The cashier was quite hectic, then I became hectic, it was even more rapid than usual, thinking that this is a smuggling improvement and the poor employees are only still on the red.
Thank you for the ⭐
The only thing new is that there are 2 EC terminals.
And only with EC payment is a few seconds faster – for the cashiers. As a customer you save some time in the queue, but there are less than 2 cash registers open and the gripping of the goods to move them into the shopping cart takes longer.
The fact that the goods are distributed by 2 customers to 2 storage areas is an ancient thing that was only forgotten.
If personnel are to be saved or relieved, then I think the SB scan places, as they were introduced at Lidl, Net, Rewe …, are the better solution.
Is there in Austria (here Hofer) already feeling forever. With an adjustment, not a second card terminal.
From a professional perspective, the cash registers are top. Very efficient and with packing table for the customer.
Unfortunately, the complaints of the employees who are more severely burdened with this “according work” increase.
Did I have a few times and somehow you have to watch that there is no mess.
I prefer the old system
https://www.t-online.de/finanzen/aktuelles/wirtschaft/id_100395928/aldi-sued-fuehrt-neue-douehrt-neue-douppelkassen-ein-mitarbeiter-be suit-problem.html
I don’t think the employees are thrilled.
Yes, they have more stress
It’s always about higher, faster on …
It would be good if you were to turn a gang back. Most of them are constantly running on full gas and never come to rest.
Can’t you just wait a few seconds until the front man is ready? And the cashier can get some air…
But honest 😅
But I am curious how this plays
New systems are already working without cashiers.
Also not good, beautiful week
The self-service casses now work well, most people are just too stupid to pull a bar code over a reader.
Are not every 20 years there are also people who have problems with technology
Lastly, a pensioner (about the 70) was at another SB cashier, which was faster than some “young” people…
What’s complicated on a scanner? Pull bar code over scan area, product is added, next scan… the technique, there are only for decades at supermarket banks.