what do you think of the song?
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question is above
Hello, I have had my period since I was 13, so for 5 years now, but my period has always been irregular and now I have missed it for 4 months. And a gynecologist in my area won't be available for another 3-4 months 🙁 I don't take the pill at all and have never…
Hey, I'm still quite young and female For the past two days I've had a very strong itch on my right inner labia and a small, whitish lump, about 0.5cm long, has formed there. I'm very worried that it could be cancer, but I don't dare talk to my parents about it. Do you know…
Are small breasts more sensitive than large ones? My girlfriend has large ones, and she always says hers don't hurt. She usually doesn't even wear a bra! Her nipples are almost never visible, and they don't hurt her either. I have almost flat land but it still often presses or hurts when I lie on…
How would you have reacted if your partner had written something like that? 💫 Asking for fun
I'm 13 now and have had a white discharge for a long time. I have three weeks of vacation left, but I'm worried that it might come back at school or while I'm swimming at the beach on vacation. Does it hurt to use tampons? It's a nasty feeling to wear a pad that already…
Ein Meisterwerk. 🔥🤘
Eher untypisch für Rammsteins Musik, aber trotzdem unglaublich gut. 👍
Ich mag das ganz gern aber nicht gerade mein Lieblingsstück von/mit Rammstein.
Eines meiner Favoriten von Rammstein.
Nein, ist nicht meins 🎀
Nicht schlecht.
Bei dem Bild dachte ich zuerst an arch enemy
Gehört nicht zu meinen Favoriten. Zu schnulzig.