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Actually, the dress is beautiful. But for home something overdressed and impractical.
If you can just sit around all day and the drink can go, otherwise it’s just too much
For home something to overdressed 🙂
Something uncomfortable at home
If the woman has the right figure and wears the right shoes, I would personally find it perfect.
I find the dress very chic, but at home I think it is “overdressed”, unless you expect guests to have a special occasion
The dress is exactly what you’re talking about with the phone.
The shoulder straps will slide down at any movement, the bows interfere with sitting and are anything but comfortable.
This is a beautiful dress if you don’t have to move and sit still and admire yourself in the mirror.
It’s really pretty and delightful.
For home, I don’t find any dress good except maybe a night dress to sleep. I’m not a fan of it either.
The long loops may stop at homework. Otherwise I find it tempting
Very inappropriate and ugly
These long ribbons from the loop otherwise the dress looks really good.
impractical, very impractical and uncomfortable
To the NIX Tunen ok
I don’t like the dress.
The white hands are most disturbing.