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Hallo zusammen, ich leide seit drei Jahren an einer Panikstörung und habe bisher schon einiges versucht, um damit klarzukommen. Leider war ich bei mehreren Psychologen, aber keiner konnte mir wirklich helfen. Entweder hieß es, das sei nicht ihr Fachgebiet, oder ich wurde abgewimmelt. Deshalb habe ich versucht, mein Leben selbst in den Griff zu bekommen:…
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Cold and unpleasant.
Professionally difficult.
The best time a year to get around with a very nasty cold.
Can you remember the year 2018 and if so, was that a very beautiful year for you?
Exercise, terrible
Can you remember the year 2018 and if so, was that a very beautiful year for you?
once I remember it was not a beautiful year
Everyone else.
So far, it’s not that bad for me.
still young, but nice!
Can you remember the year 2018 and if so, was that a very beautiful year for you?
Can you remember the year 2018 and if so, was that a very beautiful year for you?
I don’t think I’m right about Corona anymore.
Why? What’s over? It’s nothing to whistle past.
With us, for example, the ice cream parlour has been closed since the winter break. It only opens in spring. For example, I am looking forward to opening it again and I am not sad that it was closed at the beginning of winter.
Yes, but if you had a nice time in your life you missed this time, of course, which is normal.
Can’t remind me of details that what was usually interested me no longer.
Yes, it was.