Wie findet ihr das, ich seh das als Schikane?
Ich arbeite im Büro. Ich muss immer Listen machen was ich bearbeite, das korrigiert dann eine Kollegin und dann noch eine andere. Außerdem wird jeglicher Fehler beim Chef gepetzt, ob ich das falsche sage am Telefon oder nicht rangehe weil ein Seriendruck läuft, oder, oder, oder. Gibt noch so viele Beispiele, die ich nicht aufzählen kann alle. Was würdert ihr tun?
Your work does not have the purpose to get you done, but to generate revenue from which your salary is financed and to secure it in the long term. Customers must be satisfied with you so they can come back. This is why an error culture is important. If you hide and hide mistakes, they happen again and again. One has to go to the bottom of the causes of errors and improve working methods so that fewer errors happen. What you can do:
Describe your own mistake, within the meaning of a protocol. Even those that no one has noticed except you.
The mistakes of your colleagues also report and write as a protocol, which is best anonymized for data protection reasons.
Think about any type of error that needs to be changed to your working methods so that such errors do not happen so often. For example, certain work on quality assurance will be examined by a colleague, or that noise is avoided, or that you will change your phone to a colleague before you can’t reach it for a while. To the meetings you regularly make, such suggestions for improvement, or if there are no meetings they will submit to the boss.
And what? Have you completed a training? How long do you work in the company?
So lead a proof of activity…
Sounds like you’re in training…
Maybe it’s correct…
Possible that the hierarchy is flat. Then it’s normal. However, it can also be a toxic environment. Then the question arises whether you have helped to treat yourself in this way or whether the environment has existed before. I had something like that.
Honestly, your information is to be dared to me to assess your situation properly.
1 year, no training, the work is very monotonous and boring, was so before
So you are unskilled Officeaid power.
The treatment you give may not appear fair, but depending on what you do, control seems necessary. That may be stupid lists for you, for the company they may be essential.
Since you also complain that you would be petting any mistake from you to the boss, this seems quite common. The question is: Why do the (still) happen?
I suppose you’re still in training?
It’s normal. And just don’t pick up the phone either.
I’m not. I can’t go to the phone when a standard print runs.
What does the printer have to do with the phone?
Do you have to look at the printer badly that he does everything right?
Read what you write. Find a new job and once you have one you quit.
I have no new
Then you go to the phone, write down the request and provide a call back when the program is available again.
Why ALG if you have a new job?
then I don’t know
Apparently the whole company doesn’t suit you, according to your questions. Find another job and quit.
that I don’t get into the program
No, it’s not!