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Looks like a normal hotel room as I had it on business trips or even privately abroad several times.
At first glance so clean and well maintained, normal room size, large storage area in the bathroom which I find very practical and beautiful large bed, but now nothing special.
If you’re right there and have made the photo yourself after use, I think it’s okay that a bed isn’t done properly. If it were an advertising photo from the hotel itself, I would find it strange.
All right, hold a room like many.
More important is whether it is clean and how the price is.
Usually. Looks very good, but has clear weaknesses in the bathroom.
Depends on what’s behind the curtain.
Probably a window
Probably yes, but has zero expressiveness about the size of the window and view. A 1x1m large, single-glazed hole, which looks directly on a wall or a hilly backyard, would make the evaluation quite sack.
of course you’re right.
Looks good. I don’t spend so much money on a hotel.
Typical middle class hotel. Bored in brown.