Wie findet ihr das Gedicht?

ich hab das Gedicht geschrieben als es mir nicht so gut ging. Wie findet ihr das und habt ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge? Idk es würde mich auch voll interessieren wie jmd das analysieren würde also wenn jmd Lust hast go for it wenn nicht dann nicht. Ich bin außerdem in Therapie also alles gut.

Du kennst mich

Ich bin es wieder

Ein alter bekannter

Du kennst mich

Ich kenne dich

Ich bin eiskalt

Verluste sind mir egal

Du bist mir egal

Mir ist alles egal

Gehorche mir

Tu es




Es ist mir egal 

Solang du es tust



Du hast keine Zeit mehr




Bis dein t Shirt rot ist 







Endlose zeitschleife 

Du denkst du bist fertig?


Du bist fertig wenn ich es dir sage

Wenn ich es dir erlaube

Aber im Endeffekt 

Bin ich ein Teil von dir 

Und ohne ich bist du nicht du

Und ohne du bin ich nicht ich

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7 months ago

In the third last line it must be:
And without mI, you are not you.

Otherwise well done, you should split it into verses.

The poem intensively describes the emotional world of a psychotic ritzer.
Show it to your therapist who then quickly recognizes what it looks like in you and can then put it in the right place.

7 months ago

The poem conveys intense feelings and a dark mood that may be related to inner conflict or pain. It uses strong images and repetitions to generate emotional intensity.

Improvement proposals:

• Clarity of the message: Consider whether you want to work out specific topics or feelings more clearly.

• Structure: Experiment with different dimensions or styles to vary rhythm and effect.

7 months ago

I find it difficult to find beauty in something as unaesthetic as Borderline, especially when it romanticizes itself. I’m not a fan of Staccatos either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6aQA0QLHV0

7 months ago
Reply to  Loulou610

I read that out.

7 months ago

Borderline is a generic term among which various symptoms can be summarized. Who doesn’t tick normally is at the edge of society – even if you may be integrated (what I wish you).

7 months ago

Loulou, I’ve read dozens of books about psychology, and have a news score that keeps me on track when there are new studies on personality disorders — do you think your article can add a lot to that? Nothing bad.

7 months ago

I’m completely left, not projecting.

7 months ago

Factically wrong? Sure. There might be a brothel that doesn’t. Then why he was then diagnosed as such? Magic.

I also don’t know if you’ve got it or not, because I’m strictly referring to the poem. That you go right here to the barricades is perhaps a point about which you can reflect, because what I’m talking about is not a threat—
Unless your self-image is based on foreign perception.

7 months ago

Not all borderline injured themselves

I see this differently, only the form of self-infringement differs. some are crushing relationships, others are stunned with drugs, which also destroy the basis of existence (is accepted), others again eat full, are promiscuous (and afterwards full of self-hass, because self-image is shot) etc. and so on. What is common to all: lack of impulse control, and a huge “please hit me” shield on the forehead. Visually speaking. But yes, not every self-infringement must also indicate on Borderline, but your poem is somewhat too specific.

7 months ago

How do you find the poem?

The definition of “compression” or “Lyrik” is not the aimless classification of word sleeves and phrases, as is the case in these lines.

lg up

7 months ago
Reply to  upbrunce

The individual words have not come together without aim, they express feelings that you do not understand.

7 months ago
Reply to  Dichterseele

Yes. 😅

7 months ago

A Borderline version of “I am I”

Not my thing, sounds like a cry for help.


7 months ago

I don’t like it. Sounds like SVV.

7 months ago
Reply to  croissantcrepe

What is SVV?

7 months ago
Reply to  annabg777

Self-absorbing behavior, scorching with razor blade.