Wie findet ihr das Bild (Umfrage)?
Das Bild ist mit Acryl gemalt. Das ist eines meiner ersten Acryl Bilder 🙂
(bin 12)
Das Bild ist mit Acryl gemalt. Das ist eines meiner ersten Acryl Bilder 🙂
(bin 12)
ich klaue im moment von meiner besten freundin den artstyle 😭 aber nicht mit absichttt
Hallo, ich bin aktuell auf der Suche nach einem Beamer und einer Leinwand. Da ich mich in diesem Bereich aber nicht auskenne, wende ich mich an die Erfahrenen Leute hier. Ich möchte auch nicht all zu viel dafür ausgeben, da es eher seltener verwendet wird. Ich denke bis 300 Euro würde ich gehen. Es muss…
Das ist die einen riss der eine wand ist rigips und der andere ist normal beton und ich kriege das immer so einen riss könnte ich es mit dem molto elastik reperaturspachtel verspachteln
Ich male noch weiter, aber wie findet ihr es bis jetzt? Gerne auch Verbesserungsvorschläge ^^ Bin w13
Ich hab so ne alte Sparkasse und weil ich halt aus dem Alter rauss bin und sie ziemlich hässlich finde, wollte ich sie umstylen weil sie halt noch funktioniert und ich sie nicht wegwerfen will. Meint ihr ich kann mit Acryl Farben drüber malen oder muss ich da noch irgendwie abschleifen oder so?
Very good. : The lion is an expression of strength for me. The lion, raised on a rock, as if he had everything under control. I don’t know. Is that the king of the lions? Looks like Africa for me. :
Whatever. I think it’s great. produkt️👍🏻
Thank you
yes, this shall be ‘king of lions’ 🙂
Cool. I like to draw. Drawing is my hobby. You inspired me. 😊
Oha :
I am very happy
yo continue so, can reach a very high level if you paint so young
Thank you.
Hello LenaM260,
I like very well, a really successful picture 👍👍👍
Go on!
Best regards underdogs969
Thank you.
Heyy my love
This is also very good for you
Hdl produkt️
Emiiiii 😉
Thank you.
Really respect I paint too and have bought with even last acrylic paints and now also start to get so good I never get that!
LG Firefox🔥
Thank you
In the other answers everything is already available – I fully agree.
Thank you:)
It’s not mine.
but definitely very good.
Thank you
Great. I find the picture very beautiful, you have talent.
Thank you.
All right, that you’re 12.
The only reason I don’t Very good because you painted it from this:
160 Slightly obsessed with The Lion.King ideas | lion king, disney lion king, disney love (pinterest.com)
So there’s still a bit of room up in your creativity, I think with a bit of exercise you can create your own motives. 👍🏻
I didn’t even paint this here:(
But then from a similar picture. You can’t tell me that it’s pure coincidence that the lion is just there and that there’s a tree at the bottom.
Got enough friends.
Not critique capable.
At least I have something I can call friends
Just stop talking, you don’t have to have the last word. Don’t worry about it.
Let it go!
Did you get your girlfriend to help you now, because you don’t have any real argument? Wow, a kindergarten. 😂
Just leave her alone!!
But you’re still coming and talking. The criticism seems to have hit you pretty much. Just make it better the next time and calm down.
I didn’t say that
Why do you want to discuss this now?
Hair split? You said I drew it from that picture.
It was primarily about you drawing it up, not that you exactly the image. That’s pointless hair splitting.
I painted the tree free(with a kitchen sponge :D)
I drew the lion, but not that picture.
This picture is beautiful 🤩. You really painted that well:)I could never paint too well.
LG ^
Thank you.
The leaves of the tree and the gradient of the sunset are beautifully hit!
Thank you.
Looks very beautiful! Reminiscent of the Lion King 🙂
That’s what it is:)
Ah, well then it is well recognizable :))
Thank you:D
at the Rotton I would go over again, then it comes again more evenly
The tree has become slightly unclean, but it is also difficult with this method.
There’s a lot better off because it’s cleaner.
Otherwise it’s okay.
The old one doesn’t care for this, it depends on how long you’ve been practicing and if you’re free-handed or you’ve been pussy with stencils;)
It was hands-free 🙂
yes for the first beginnings this is usable.
Next time I would try a more difficult main motive ^^
So you have to pay a lot more attention to two things, a blanket, once brushing is not enough if the color should be uniform if the style is to be wiped out then it is.
But better 2-3 times color over yes you have to wait that it dries.
second, you work sometimes too sloppy at the edges, you just have to be very careful when brushing.
You’ll see if you’re making more effort.
and if you don’t want to get the following hint when a drawing is half finished, don’t make it quick enough to finish it, you’d rather be 3 days longer and paint when you’re really concentrated and focused, if you realize that you don’t work properly concentrated anymore then take a break.
At the dolphin star image there have given you trouble, at the eye also and also at the hand image the three see there you have put in more concentration and also more details, as is more of your style to find that is better.
Thank you.
and clear.
I am a critic of this kind, I see the good, the very good, the possibilities of improvement, and you have good start-up potential, but that has to be matured even further so that it becomes really brilliant art, nor is that rather boring, or otherwise you still lack your own style, which comes through practicing and learning.
Can you ask my first signs, too? The eyes and the like?
it’s not really hard to see the picture itself, because here is the main motif of the course of colour, and it’s not that hard now, so I would try more complicated motifs for the next time, whether animals, or castles, or anything else.
Looks really nice, you’re full of talent
Thank you
No way. Congratulations!
Thank you.
Fully beautiful😍
Thank you
Heyy Sis ♥♥♥️
As all your pictures are, very beautiful! ♥♥
Lyfeae ♥♥♥️
Your Noemi :
Thank you.
Thank you
Very much. I’m over 30 years older and don’t even get bargains
Always on the small😂😉
Sad life
If you do this for school, and the teacher has given you a bad note, that show him the words from here
I wish I could draw sooo well 🥺
Can you be sure?
That’s really good! I find mega easy😁
I hope you keep painting and never stop it;)
You really paint well.
Go on like this, it’s really nice.
Thank you very much:)