Wie findet ihr das Bild?
Ich habe heute ein Bild von einem Drachen aus meiner FF gemalt. Er ist zwar aus dem Internet abgemalt, aber das Bild spiegelt den Charakter des Drachen schon ganz gut wieder. Sein Name in meiner FF ist Volcanor.
Ich habe 2,5h an diesem Bild gesessen und mir große Mühe gegeben, deswegen möchte ich bitte sinnvolle Antworten auf meine Frage.
^^meine Frage steht ja schon oben, aber trotzdem hier nochmal.
Wie findet ihr sieht das Bild aus?
^^das ist es.
Freue mich auf eure sinnvollen Antworten<3
LG Flämmchen
You’ve done this very well.The shadows made sense.I don’t know how long you’ve been painting but it looks good, it affects the view ^^
LG slaybee1
I’ve been painting since, well, 1 to 2 years. Thanks for your answer <3
Thanksì for the 🌟
Bars <3
very beautiful! better than I definitely!
Thank you.
Super beautiful I could not
(sry is a little late)
All good, thank you
Wow! You have talent! Continue
Thank you
I find it very nice, the tongue could be longer and you could add details such as scales on the head and more shades to make it realistic appearance! But in the whole, you did well!
As I said, it was excellent and there were no sheds, so I left them, but thank you for your good answer. Be sure to remember <3
Perhaps the interior of the mouth could be darker, but overall I find your drawing very beautiful!
It’s okay. The perspective in the mouth is not true at all. There the proportions are really confused. The rest is well painted.
I can’t find, but I’m fine. Thank you.
Look at the Oberkiefer. Look at the lower jaw. Breitmaulnashorn.🤷🏻 ♂️ ♂️
Excellent! The upper jaw is just as pointed there. And as far as the lower jaw is concerned, should I make it perfect or what?! It was my first attempt.!
super cool drawing
^Thanks <3
Supi and everything is true of size 👌
Thank you.