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What is informal?
She has surprisingly reacted professionally to the Affront.
These guys should realize that they are not in the position of denying a European politician.
The Head of Government of Syria has welcomed them and not ignored them. Just don’t stop with a handshake.
I only see spontaneous cowardice from her…
She looks sexy and female. No foreign minister.
She is also Foreign Ministerin.
Yes, if I didn’t think you did, I’m not saying that you’re stupid, so insulting is you
Men and women are not the same. But can still be equal.
Small but fine difference.
To blame a woman that looks feminine is a little… unintelligent.
It is important for you to distinguish between woman and man, so they can’t be the same so you’re against equality
How do you get on the narrow board?
So you are an enemy of equality
In this case, it seems necessary.
Ms. Baerbock is a woman. Ergo will always look feminine. What’s supposed to be sexy about her outfit isn’t coming out.
However, there are guys who jump on all the females like that, seems to me.
Gender destroys knowledge…