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Erstes Graffiti von mir auf dem Papier
So von 1 – 10
Wo kann man hier in Hamburg legal sprühen?
Die Farbe an meinem Standherd ist abgesplittert. Kennt jemand eine gute Farbe Lack Reperaturstift Wo kaufen bei Amazon oder Bauhaus??
Hallo Hallo, ich wollte mal fragen,wie man 2 Schichten acrylfarbe von einem modelpferd in meinem Fall schleich pferde runter bekommt lg
Ich habe die gleiche Frage mit einem Rotkehlchen Bild letztens gestellt und heute habe ich Goldammer entdeckt und hätte gerne eure Meinung zu einem der Bilder, da ich selber sehr zufrieden damit bin. Konstruktive Kritik ist immer gerne gesehen ^^
Chicken jnama,
At first glance, this looks really clean!
Let’s see what I have to say:
At any rate, yours is definitely one of the better at GF considering what was like…
Just keep going, I can recommend the “Posca Markers”. They’re great for graffiti. 😀
Have fun and LG!
Thanks for your feedback :D, the white highlights are actually silver and that’s why you don’t see it because my pen was all haha, already use Posca and the pens are just too expensive to me and that’s why I didn’t want to waste everything for the background, but thank you will see what I can change so much 🙂
Of course.
Hi, this is really good, never seen such a good graffiti.
Super painted top!
Give me a 10
Haha does not exaggerate
I liked ^
Shadows, backgrounds and highlights are good for you. The letters didn’t make you so successful, but that doesn’t matter, learning needs his time. Is a little unusual to add so much at a throw up, but a cool idea! In your place, I would practice your day (see for a new one, because ina ane (?) really doesn’t sound good. After doing hard handstyle.. if you can do your day well you continue with other styles. That’s what I learned.
of the artistic, that is to say the craftsman, it is a nine it is clean and the shadows or light points are set correctly. It’s not everyone’s taste, but everyone will never be able to make it right.
I think these white strokes are cool! The letters I like the background I don’t find so successful 8/10 points
If there were no other colours that have been halfway, the pens also cost 5 euros and I don’t want to waste everything for background. But still thanks:)
9/10 looks good:>
do not know me but you can easily shave the letters with a darker purple/ orange
I’m not a friend of Grafittis, but that doesn’t look bad. As long as you don’t spray it illegally somewhere, I’d find it nice. You can also do it in your room or where you got permission.
6 But it’s just not my taste
I thought straight on the wall that would be so clean haha
11/10 is beautiful :>
So 8 of 10