Wie findest du die Zeichnungen von Goethe?
Und wusstest du, dass der Dichter auch zeichnete?
Und wusstest du, dass der Dichter auch zeichnete?
Hab ein DHL Paket abgegeben und hab 5€ mitgenommen wegen Versand, doch dann meinte der Mann ich muss gar nichts bezahlen. Hab nicht gefragt wieso. Wieso?
Hallo Leute Ich muss morgen eine Gedichtinterpretation abgeben. Bitte sagt mir wie Ihr sie Findet und ob ich etwas verbessern sollte Bitte. Ich hoffe dass ihr mir helfen könnt freue mich auf Tipps/Korrekturen (Es wird benotet) -Das Gedicht von Ursula Krekel “Warnung” Komm aus der Höhe herab steig mal von deinem Ross sieh einfach zu…
Hey, kurze frage, wie lange dauert es, bis das packet von großbritannien nach deutschland genauer neustadt an der weinstraße?
Ich habe heute meine Deutsch Abschlussprüfung geschrieben. Im Wahlteil habe ich mich für die textbasierte Erörterung entschieden. Es handelte sich um einen Text über einen Auslandsaufenthalt. Ich habe jedoch die Vor- und Nachteile eines Auslandsjahres genannt welche nicht wirklich anders sind als die eines Auslandsaufenthalts. Thema verfehlt oder eher nicht? Bundesland BW
Hallo, wie ist es richtig der Satz “Mit dem oden besten Mann am Stake essen”? Dem oder den?
I didn’t know 🙂 But I know that Goethe has always traveled a lot, so it fits well. 😜 These are pictures he made on his journeys.
I find the pictures very good, especially the third picture I like because it is nicely friendly and bright and shows a great landscape. But Goethe definitely had a lot of talent. 😄
Yes, that’s why there are many beautiful pictures showing Italy.
I also like the third picture especially well:)
Consider that it was in 18/19. Century did not even give as much as photography. With his drawings and aquarelles, which in fact show an amazing sign talent, Goethe made only what Italian travelers (and other areas) are doing today, namely photographing, formerly with camera, today with the mobile phone to remember their journey and the impressions gained there on the sofa.
I would almost prefer to remember on the sofa at home with such drawings instead of snapshots
So I honestly had no idea that Goethe also drew or drew. So I honestly find that no one knows that he has drawn is really good!!! So I find the third and the last really mega great!
Yeah, I knew.
But I never saw his drawings. Thanks for posting!
He also designed a color teaching, which, however, did not prevail.
I really don’t care about art, whether poems, pictures or anything. Of course there are exceptions, but such pictures don’t really impress me.
Hard to understand for me, yet thank you for your honest answer
Look pretty boring, even if I couldn’t.
Lg helpers780
The pictures come from the deepest soul, you can see that they have drawn a talented romantic.
A special sense of beauty lies in the hand of the painter.
And I like them all very well.
Romantic? Oh, oh… Original tone: classic is health, romance is disease. He would have strongly opposed being called a romantic. But: In principle, he was one, at least after some of his works, which are almost numbly romantic. However, he is generally classified as classical.
The pictures speak another, probably a secret romantic I think
I’m fine. I didn’t know he was drawing. But I really like it
I didn’t know that Goethe also drew, but the pictures he painted quite well!
Yeah, I knew. He was also a naturalist and used his talent for documentation or Illustration of his observations. And finally, we owe him even a color teaching named after him.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/color teaching#Goethes_colorverst%C3%A4ndnis
With the teaching of colors, I had massive contact in philosophy – not just an optical treatise, but one of the basic texts for the theory of knowledge. The exciting thing about Goethe is this complexity. poets and writers, painters, professional politicians, natural scientists. He also had a hard time showing that he discovered the human intermediate bone (does not quite agree, Galen knew him already, but at Goethe’s time he was no longer in the textbooks). A real universalist. Only that he never brought it too much fame outside the literature. And also his designs for color vision should be something for specialists.
This is really about Goethe? I like it very well.
Very graceful.
a) No. 2 I like
b) yes