Wie finden Sie Quereinstieg im Softwaretest?
Ich habe im Ausland GrafikDesign studiert aber bei mir hat es nicht gelungen einen relevanten Job in diesem Bereich zu finden. Ich denke momentan an Quereinstieg als Software Tester. Wie finden Sie diese Richtung? Welche schwierigkeiten besteht wahrscheinlich darin? Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort😊
Before you can become a sensible software tester, you must have been software developers for several years. Otherwise, you don’t even pack the 3-5 days software tester course with certification (always fabric itself, i.e. compressed in 3 days).
notting, ISTQB certified software tester
And what do you want to test a software?
You would have to know the complete area for which the software was written, all legislation, corresponding laws and and and.
And even then you would have to master the respective programming language.
Have fun!
The indication is that theoretical foundations are imparted. And you learn everything during work.
Depends on what area it refers to.
I had then made the software available to the customer for 3 months to test and then changed what he was complaining.
There is no need for an external tester.