Wie finde ich passende Hemden?

Hallo zusammen, ich bin seit Jahren auf der Suche nach passenden Hemden.Obwohl ich relativ gut trainiert bin, würde ich nicht behaupten dass meine Proportionen unnormal sind. Das Problem besteht darin dass mir Kragenweite 42 zu eng ist und 43 deutlich zu weit.

Ich habe bereits sämtliche Slim/ Super Slim Varianten getestet. Die Größe 43 passt mir an Schultern und Kragen, am Bauch jedoch habe ich enorm viel Stoff übrig was die Hemden für mich untragbar macht.
Da ich beruflich Anzug trage bin ich wirklich am verzweifeln. Um Tipps abgesehen von Maßanfertigung wäre ich sehr dankbar.



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4 months ago

Look (excellent quality!):

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of 13 December 2013 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 1).

and looks quite different. Don’t buy the iron-free red.

43 in slim fit or tailor fit. Shirts are available in different shapes, these are cut tighter on the waist than the regular fit that you wear.
Over half of the Germans, with the Amis even 2/3 wearing a fress vault around where the waist should be. Therefore, shirts are sold mainly in regular (which is already something adapted for this target group). In the good business, the shirts are also sorted by fit!

Regular fit:

Slim fit

And don’t let anyone tell you about the others here – they obviously don’t have a shimmer.

And if I see the shirt on the picture, you can’t tell me that the slim or superslim should be.

4 months ago

They also liked the iron-free canyon. The linked Xacus is a completely different league.

4 months ago

You don’t understand the size.

The size 43 fits me on shoulders and collar, but on the belly I have a huge amount of fabric left which makes the shirts unbearable for me.

This size is the one for the collar, for the neck. If that fits the shoulders, it’s the right one. This size, however, has to do with the shape around the abdomen.

Apart from the size, there is also fit. You probably wear regular fit, that is, there is no waist, and the shirt just hangs from top to bottom in the same width. You’re just too slim for that. Probier Slim Fit, then gets tighter down, and more in the abdominal area. Sometimes Super Slim Fit, maybe even that suits you. But don’t exaggerate, it can be that Slim Fit is enough. In relaxed sitting, the buttons should still not tension. If they do, it’s too tight.

4 months ago

There is a jersey shirt from Trigema, which is expensive (approximately 80-100 euros), but well processed and in a great fit – the fabric is also better than the typical shirt fabric. Since Trigema is not a typical shirt manufacturer and is less known in the field, this is currently almost a secret tip and also not so long in the program.

4 months ago

If the shirt fits on the shoulders, on the collar and with respect to the sleeve length, you can easily use the shirt for approx. 10 € for the change cutter. So you get a very good fit, even without having the complete shirt tailored.

4 months ago

Then take the 43, go to the change cutter, and then cut it into the belly.