Wie finde ich meinen Betriebsarzt heraus?


Ich habe gerade lange versucht herauszufinden, wer mein Betriebsarzt ist. Scheinbar an der falschen Stelle. Wo steht das geschrieben? Ich habe es per Internetrecherche, auf der Seite meines Arbeitgebers und in meinen Arbeitsunterlagen gesucht aber nicht gefunden.

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3 years ago

How about you ask your colleagues or call your boss’s secretary? Actually, there are also telephone lists where all internal numbers are listed.

You’ll have someone in the company who’s responsible for you and delegates you. He’ll know that.

Questions at the location of the event, i.e. at the workplace, are usually addressed.


3 years ago

You can find out about the HR department or the internal network if you have something for internal information.

Since this happens in some cases, it would be inconspicuous to write this into the contracts and also does not belong to the official website, since it is more for external persons and not their own employees.

3 years ago

Officially, this must be announced by your employer. This is often “forgot”.

Actually, your superior would have to tell you. If you don’t want to ask, you can do it. the security specialist when you know it. Or, if necessary, a security officer.