Wie finde ich Loops/Samples wie OZ?
Wie kann ich Loops und Samples finden, die dem Stil des Produzenten OZ ähneln? Ich suche nach Wegen, um ähnliche atmosphärische und hochwertige Sounds zu bekommen. Welche Sample Packs, Plattformen oder Techniken könnt ihr empfehlen, um Loops und Samples zu finden, die in modernen Trap- und Hip-Hop-Produktionen gut funktionieren? Welche Suchbegriffe könnten Hilfreich sein?
To find loops and samples similar to the style of the producer OZ, you can take different paths. One way is to specifically search for sample packs created by well-known producers like OZ or by similar artists. Platforms such as Splice, Loopmasters or Producer Loops offer a variety of sample packs that have been specially developed for trap and hip hop productions.
When searching for loops and samples in OZ-like style, search terms such as “Atmospheric”, “modern”, “Trap”, “Hip-Hop” or even the name of the producer himself could be helpful. In addition, you could also specifically search for certain instruments or sound effects that OZ often uses in its productions.
Another possibility is to search for tutorials or interviews with OZ, where he might talk about his production methods or give insights into his favorite sample packs. In this way you can not only find similar loops and samples, but also learn more about the approach of the producer and develop your own skills.
Cymatics has many good free sample packs as well as SoniX or waves create, where the cost-payers also sometimes really appreciate. Otherwise stop splice there is everything