Wie finde ich eine passende Gitarre?

Ich hab vor gut einem Jahr mit dem Gitarre spielen angefangen. Jetzt möchte ich eine eigene besorgen. Ich habe bisher auf einer geliehenen „klassischen Gitarre” mit Nylonsaiten und breitem Hals gespielt und würde jetzt gerne auf eine Westerngitarre umsteigen.

(Das Teil auf dem ich gelernt habe hat schon zwei Vorbesitzer hinter sich und hat sich den Ruhestand verdient….)

Gibt es etwas, dass ich beim Gitarren testen im Laden beachten sollte? Habt ihr Gitarrenempfehlungen? Am besten welche mit Outlet oder wie dieser Snschluss heißt…Mein Preisspektrum soll bei maximal 500 Euro liegen. Ist das übertrieben?

Ach ja. Ist bei jeder Gitarre ein Gitarrenkoffer mit inbegriffen?

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4 months ago

I’ve been playing guitar for a while, so I’d say I know what I’m talking about.

  1. No, not every guitar is a guitar case, usually you pay the extra. Depending on the offer and whether you buy in the store or online.
  2. 500€ is okay for a first own guitar, this is by no means exaggerated. The really good models start at about 800 – 1000€, but you can drive the whole up to over 10,000€.
  3. Western guitars are “shmerzhafter” to play and it requires some time to reconcile, especially to the narrower fingerboard and the higher number of frets. In the beginning, if necessary, select a slightly lower tension in the strings, the tension of steel strings is already significantly higher anyway.
  4. I would pay attention to good sound, the DIR likes! For example, I prefer a bright and very defined sound, but this is a question of taste and also depends on what you want to play with it.
  5. If you want to record with your guitar or use an amplifier, make sure you have a jack connection.
  6. The guitar should not be too big for you from the body, otherwise your right arm will hurt you when playing. The guitar should be “comfortable” for you.

I personally can put Duke to you as a brand, which build very good models for comparatively little money. However, I do not know if the 500€ already offer good models. I had two Dukes (for 750€ & 1500€) and was extremely satisfied with both models. Above all the sound is very good at Duke, or meets my taste very much.

4 months ago

I started playing with the guitar a year ago. Now I want to get my own. I have played on a lent “classical guitar” with nylon strings and wide neck and would like to move to a Western guitar.

Have you always wanted to play Western guitar? Or is your gutter to gradually change to electric guitar. In the former, of course, buy a Western guitar, at the second directly grab the E.

(The part I’ve learned has two previous owners behind me and has earned retirement….)

A good guitar is still undirably great. In addition to music shops, your guitar can also wait here.

I found my absolute dream guitar that I had tested in 2011, but could never take away by chance on eBay again. Yes, exactly that guitar from that time. Of course, she is full of signs of use, the lady has experienced 13 years, but she still has this beautiful personality that never let me go again.

I played her all night and I forgot everything around me when she was finally at my home.

Is there something that I should consider when testing guitars in the store?

Yes, test each intensively and take the one that “mojo” exercises on you.

If possible, do not compromise at this point, because I speak from my own experience and can tell you that this was very frustrating and I, after 13 years break, now that I really play the right guitars, I finally feel comfortable with it.

You recognize the correct guitar that it will feel natural and appropriate to you. You won’t let her go.

Otherwise, of course, make sure that it is well intonated and pure, the tuning mechanisms are sitting, nothing that should not be loose, shaking, taking the headstock under the magnifying glass, etc.

Do you have guitar recommendations? The best thing with outlet or like this shortcut is…My price range should be at a maximum of 500 euros. Is that excessive?

No, your price is not exaggerated and you can already get solid instruments, I still advise you to have 800 € in the back of your head so that you can react if the guitar that grabs you more expensive.

Western guitars, which are good, could be found at Cort, for example.

If you want them to stand off visually, you might like a corresponding Cort of the EVL series. It is also electrically supported in any case.

Epiphone can also offer you an extremely interesting guitar with the Hummingbird.

But there are still much more guitars and brands, so take everything in your hand and compare it when it laughs at you.

Is a guitar case included with each guitar?


4 months ago

Go to a large as possible specialist store with a wide selection. You then test as many guitars as possible.

Is a guitar case included with each guitar?

No. A suitcase, or a bag, is usually not available.

4 months ago

500 euros is by no means exaggerated for Western guitars. My bandmates play more expensive Western guitars.

Suitcase not in there.

Take time to try and find a big shop.