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2 years ago

Always bar. But never were expensive cars.

2 years ago

As it is. But never complete cash payment. Mostly old car rather than buying and remaining financing. I’m more like the credit man.

2 years ago

Part of the sum is financed.

2 years ago

I am able to pay cash. Anyone who can’t, will often lease the car, pays practically “Miete” for it, but does not. You pay a loan. Because the car gets older, it’s already scrapped and you still have to pay off the loan. Either you save the sum for the new car together or you save for a used person. It is cheaper, because a new car loses the most value in the first year, which is often up to 30%, even more.

2 years ago

I think a loan is the dumbest thing you can do. Either you have the money for something and you can buy it or you can leave it. Easy. Consequently, I would also pay my new car in cash. Transfer is of course also possible. It is only important for me that you have the entire purchase price and can pay the invoice immediately. Of course, I also paid my current car in cash – just like everything else in my possession.

2 years ago

My private car is leased. I’m the one every 3 years has to leave the car and what new type

2 years ago

A house or apartment can be financed with credit. Otherwise only buy what you can afford from the money you have.

Pay always in cash, you can negotiate better with used cars.

2 years ago

To finance cars is no longer worth it.

I personally lease a Hyundai Tucson Hybrid and a Tesla Model 3 over my business and pay a total of 240€ a month for both vehicles.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sebastian035

Dream on

2 years ago
Reply to  sabinenms

Have a known one of the one Kia e-soul for 20€ a month least 😂

2 years ago
Reply to  sabinenms

it is

2 years ago

Already had experience with commercial leasing? For this one is somewhat restricted in the model and color selection and one must of course look for a good offer. 20€ for an e-soul I could hardly believe.

2 years ago

This is even more unrealistic.

2 years ago

This is completely unrealistic.

2 years ago

I guess I’d like to put some reality in the answers.

50 % and 50 % over 24 months. Thirteen. All for only 1.99 %.

2 years ago

I pay all the cars in Bar, I saved this money before. Because then I can say that this is my car… there is an exception, my 02’s BMW I exchanged for a crate of beer about 40 years ago.

2 years ago

I just took my new car after school on Tuesday at 10:00. At 2 p.m., 32000 Euruo were handed over.

2 years ago

I paid it directly via bank transfer.

2 years ago

Saved me the whole amount, went to the bank, paid everything in big bills and then gave the 750 euros to the seller.

2 years ago

0% financing can’t be done wrong

2 years ago

I saved the amount for my car, no loan nix.

2 years ago

Got a company car – it is leased