Wie feiert ihr Weihnachten?
Generell, mit Advent, Nikolaus, Heiligabend und Weihnachtstage.
Generell, mit Advent, Nikolaus, Heiligabend und Weihnachtstage.
ich feiere nicht mal meinen Geburtstag
Bzw schenkt ihr überhaupt? Wenn ja was
Hey, ich bin w/16 und habe bald Geburtstag. Ich habe echt nicht viele Freunde, wobei ich hoffe das ändert sich in diesem Monat noch. Egal wie es ausgeht, hat jemand gute Ideen wie man den Geburtstag feiern kann? Schon etwas kreatives und nicht so basic. Ich feiere auch nicht so gerne so basic, aber jaa.
Es dauert ja nicht mehr lange und Weihnachten 🎄 steht vor der Tür, zu Weihnachten gehören auch Plätzchen, wann backt ihr welche?
Christmas is celebrated with us (traditional) with the family:
My partner no longer has any other relatives, and my other relatives live in the USA or have already died, or my cousin’s mother and a cousin has gone to South America early.
Until a few years ago we went to the Children’s Fair for Christmas Eve because my cousin and two cousins were so young. In the meantime we go to the regular Christmas service.
After the church visit we all meet in the house of my parents. First eaten (Beef roasted meat with roasted sauce and red cabbage or peas and carrots, with potatoes and for the children croquettes).
Tradition with us is that on Christmas Eve my parents set up the crib under the tree (without a Christian child), go to church late afternoon and everything is dark with my parents. If we come back, the Christmas tree will shine.
My father then always goes before us living room after dinner, and when he smiles with a bell, we all gather in front of the living room and sing Christmas songs (every one has to choose a song min.). Only after that we can get others into the living room, and the child is in the crib. Then there’s finally the cremation. In the late evening, those who still want to go to Christmette.
On the first Christmas day we go to the restaurant every morning (Menu according to Christmas card). Then it goes back home to my parents. There we make it cozy and watch Christmas films and the children play with their gifts.
On the second Christmas day we meet all for dinner with my parents (lamb fillet with mushroom cream sauce with lumps and vegetables). Afterwards, the Premier League is traditionally watched at the Boxing Day, and in the evening, the long-distance wow will grab us when it comes back to the dream ship.
If there is no standby or emergency service, there is a strict cell phone & tablet ban in my parents’ house on Christmas Eve and on the first day of Christmas.
Thanks for the detailed answer
Christmas party with the extended family. Fine food, good community, beautifully decorated tree. On the express wish of the atheists in the family the history of the birth of Jesus from the Bible and Christmas Carols. Experienced tradition for generations.
There are no gifts – contrary to consumer stress.
The after-Christmas celebration is with the mother-in-law – it can no longer travel.
Little tree. Easy decorated. Fine food. No birth history. No songs. Small gifts – collected over the year. She loves her.
We have an Advent wreath and a real Christmas tree. At the beginning of January everything will be disposed of. That’s it.
Don’t live alone. But I always enjoy a fine meal.
We’re celebrating winter weekends with the whole family.
The days will be longer.
Not at all.