Wie feiert ihr den heutigen Unabhängigkeitstag 🇺🇸?
Ich werde diesen wichtigen Tag mit BBQ und Feuerwerk feiern. 🇺🇸🗽🦅
Ich werde diesen wichtigen Tag mit BBQ und Feuerwerk feiern. 🇺🇸🗽🦅
Hallo es geht eigentlich nur darum wie lange das ESTA bei euch gedauert hat? Beantragen jetzt auch bald meine und wollte mich nur mal informieren.
Hey. Ich habe keine Wirklichen Freunde und auch keine Kollegin oder sonst was, die Lust und etwas Geld hätte zum reisen und mutig ist. Da ich mich nicht alleine traue, um die Welt zu reisen als Frau, Anfang 20, frage ich mich, wie Leute, die auf Reise gehen wollen und im Ausland arbeiten wollen nebenher…
Hat jemand eine knappe, aber vollständige Zusammenfassung dafür? Ich finde nur riesige Fließtexte, woraus ich viel zu lange mir alles rauspicken müsste. Ich muss nämlich einen maximal 5 Minuten langen Vortrag darüber halten. LG
Hey, Ich möchte, wenn ich auf die FOS komme unbedingt ein Auslandsjahr machen. Geht das? Wenn ja wie, und was muss ich tun und wie läuft sowas ab? Danke im Vorraus 🙂 LG
Hallo!, Ich wollte wissen woher stammt Slenderman. Also in welche Land kann er jetzt sein! Ihr könnte auch mehrere Länder hinschreiben! LG,Tina
Because I don’t really live in Germany. But I find this day unf how it is celebrated extremely fascinating. At least I got the Western Sovereign online in Gta (a mottorad with the American flag as a painting)
Such days must always be celebrated. But since we live in Germany, I have nothing to do with it. I haven’t even thought about it before.
Just like on June 17 – not at all.
Since you ask the question every year on this date:
I don’t celebrate today, if I were in the United States, I would certainly celebrate.
There is also a Publicity.
The fireworks in New York are just stunning.
Then I wish you a lot of fun and good appetite.
Since I’m not an American or an American, I’m not interested in this day.
Until I read your question, I was not aware or aware of it. I didn’t think about it at all.
I remember the Rieseberg murder or the day of death of Marie Curie.
Not at all. Even in the U.S., this is not celebrated so much.
Thanksgiving is quite different.
It’s actually 32 C, but it’s raining. So not a BBQ, but Buffalo Wings from the Ninja Foodi. It’s been getting boiled here for days. Fireworks don’t interest me anymore.
Have fun!
I will finish this day like anyone else with a watering can full of PinaColada and a few bottles of beer on the balcony. Yesterday was great, tomorrow it will be great and today as the day goes into the story where everything was always like always. Cheers young
Since I am neither American nor live there – not at all
Since I am neither in America nor american nor have anything to do with America:
Not at all
Not at all! I’m not an ami fortunately!
Too bad.
Have fun celebrating, I don’t celebrate this day at all, as it is not a holiday in Germany and I have an upcoming working day behind me.
Not at all. Why should I? It’s an American holiday that doesn’t affect me.
I’m thinking about the movie
Watch Independence Day with Will Smith
Not since I hate the United States
Not applicable
Too bad.
What exactly and why should I celebrate?
Not at all. I’m German.
I’m also a German, and I’m still celebrating the day. 🇺🇸🗽🦅
It doesn’t make it more rational.
What is the US doing to me?
Not at all. I didn’t even think about it because I didn’t care.
Not at all: I live in Germany and not in the USA
I’m not an American – so not at all.
1. This day is absolutely unimportant!
Two. Why do you ask people in Germany how to celebrate any Ami holidays?
You don’t even ask people from micronesia whether they celebrate the day of German unity or?
3. I don’t celebrate this day at all
With a lot of fast food, a Cola Bowle, diabetes and heartfelt fattening 😄