Wie fängt man mit Airsoft an?
Hallo ich bin M14 ich würde sehr gerne anfangen mit Airsoft aber ich weiß nicht was man dafür braucht etc ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könnt 😀
Hallo ich bin M14 ich würde sehr gerne anfangen mit Airsoft aber ich weiß nicht was man dafür braucht etc ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könnt 😀
Was ist dieser Toledo (Spanien von 1862) Säbel wert sein
Hallo, ich habe Interrese an Airsoft gefunden habe aber noch keine Erfahrung damit. Ich will mir eine Pistole kaufen mit folgenden Eigenschaften: GBB, Vollmetall, möglichst günstig was würdet ihr da empfehlen?
Hi meine freunde finden ich habe keine normalen Hobbys. andere frage denkt ihr ich habe zu viele hobbys? Montags: Parkour/jugendfeuerwehr Dienstags:Pistole schießen Mittwochs:Ag in der Schule Donnerstags: Parkour/Ag in der Schule Freitags:Bogenschießen Samstags: Egitarre Sonntags: —
Hallo habe eine AK 47 9 MM Schreckschuss. Hat mich 2400€ gekostet. Wurde in Deutschland produziert. Lebe in Österreich. Jetzt möchte ich sie wieder verkaufen, weiß aber auch nicht genau wo ?
and have already addressed everything important. clothes that can get dirty (or have to? ^) and where it is not wild when a carving comes in. Shoes in any case ankle high! Here simple walking shoes (also just good lowas, better does not go) are enough to avoid one of the most common injuries to Airsoft -> injuries to the ankle (which is painful and not recommended)
As far as I saw this, you’re from Munich. There may be Wildlands Olching for you a thing, there are rental equipment (for security reasons but ask again!) and this is a sucky terrain. I play there very often, but on Saturday and it is only from 18. So for seniors 👴
Your first point should be the Airsoft Directory.de. Sign up there and see if you can find a team near you, where you can play with or if there are even playgrounds / teams near you, where you can play with 14 already. Many games are only from 18… of course your parents also have to agree, because in order to participate in a game under 18, it almost always needs written consent.
If you have found a field, there are often rental equipment. Then you don’t really need anything extra firm clothing and solid footwear.
I’d only buy equipment and Airsoft weapon if you first know if there’s even the possibility for you to play nearby and 2. you’ve played before. Otherwise you buy many things that you don’t need or worse, you have everything at home but no field of play.
I’m talking about the field so often because you can’t just play somewhere in the next forest or something. The prohibition of the conduct of weapons of appearance outside of encumbered possessions applies – only transport (e.g. from home to the field of play) is permitted in a closed container. In case of violations, up to 10,000€ may be due…
If you are standing before buying the first Airsoft weapon, you can ask again – because you can also do a lot wrong ^^
Take a look at Airsoft halls or squares nearby. Maybe there are groups or even clubs you could report to. You don’t need any equipment first, you’ll be loaned. Then try it a few times and inform you about it. Perhaps it will be your new hobby;)