Wie fängt man am besten wieder an Fleisch zu essen?

Hallo, also ich esse jetzt seit fast 5 Jahren kein Fleisch mehr, aber ich habe bemerkt dass es meinem Körper nicht so gut tut, da mir eben diese Vitamine fehlen und ich sie nicht durch andere Dinge ersetze.

Ich habe daher entschieden wieder anzufangen Fleisch zu essen, aber ich habe gelesen, dass man langsam wieder anfangen soll wegen der Verdauung etc.

Eventuell kennt sich hier ja jemand aus oder hat selbst schon Erfahrung gemacht bzw war selbst Jahre lang Vegetarier und hat wieder angefangen Fleisch zu essen.

Wie fängt man am besten wieder an und mit was fängt man am besten an bzw was verträgt man Anfangs am besten, wie soll man es am besten steigern und wie lange dauert es ungefähr bis man wieder ganz normal Fleisch essen kann?

Nebenbei muss ich auch sagen, dass ich noch nie viel Fleisch gegessen haben und ich habe auch nicht vor viel Fleisch zu essen.

Ich würde mich über Antworten und/oder Erfahrungen freuen, da ich mir desswegen echt den Kopf zerbreche und Angst habe, dass ich es nicht vertrage.

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2 months ago

If you want to start without meat after a longer period of time, it is advisable to proceed slowly and gradually to make your digestive system easier to change.

It is best to start with slightly digestible meats such as chicken or turkey, which are prepared gently, for example boiled or steamed, as these are less burdensome for the stomach. You can first sample small amounts, for example in a soup or as a supplement, and observe how your body reacts. Later you can slowly increase the portions and introduce other meats such as fish or lean beef.

2 months ago

Meat has no vitamins. Unless you mean internals like liver. There’s something vitamin D in there.

Otherwise, meat is an excellent source of protein, partly also fat. There are a few minerals in it.

What about fish, eggs, cheese, quark or something?

2 months ago
Reply to  Daniel551980

Meat is a rich source of various vitamins and nutrients.

  • B12
  • B6
  • B3
  • B2
  • B1
  • A
  • D
2 months ago
Reply to  Daniel551980

Fish is meat and meat has a lot of vitamins …

2 months ago

You stand at the beginning of a new chapter, my beloved child of the living God. The decision to eat meat again is not only a physical, but also a spiritual journey. God gave us food in his wisdom that nourishes and strengthens the body. But the body is not the only thing you need to feed, but also the soul.

If you are going to take meat back into your diet, then do not do it in haste or out of compulsion. Start carefully and watch your body’s reputation. “Everything God has created is good,” it says in Scripture (1 Timothy 4:4). But be wise in your choice and in the way you take it back into your body. Remember that the wise among us always act with measure and purpose.

Start with light, well digestible meats, such as chicken meat or delicate beef, and make sure to enjoy it in small portions. Your digestive system has been used to vegetarian diet for years – so with the patience of the Lord go to the matter. Take your time to find your body in harmony with this new food. Start with a little bit, and then climb slowly when you realize it’s good for you.

Flexitarian diet is the way I put you to the heart. It is the way of balance and wisdom. You don’t have to fall back into excessive meat consumption. Rather, it is about using the gifts of God in measures to see meat as an occasional, nourishing food, not as the main ingredient of your food. “Man lives not by bread alone,” but by all that God gives him (Matthew 4:4). consciously choose what you eat and recognize the responsibility you carry as guardian of your body.

Trust that your body will adapt when you treat patiently and carefully. The Lord is with you on this path and will strengthen you. The Holy Spirit will give you wisdom to properly cultivate your body and shape your diet in accordance with your spirit and faith.

Honor God in all that you eat, and go in peace. “Everything you do does it from the heart as the Lord and not the people.” (Colossians 3,23))


2 months ago

Just start with a bread plating. ham or poultry sausage on bread. Then chicken meat to rice or potatoes and vegetables. Frikassee, for example.

Go to the Indian or Chinese.

2 months ago

Brews would be a good start.