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2 years ago

For what reason should this be done and then one would systematically introduce the other units of measure or Rename? So next to Miles, for example, also Inch (inch), Pound (Pfund) and Gallon (Gallone)?

2 years ago

The kilometers were introduced with the French Revolution to remove the old units laid down by kings and emperors.

But England as a monarchy continues to need miles.

2 years ago

Why, the metric system is superior to the imperial at every point. Why should you switch there?

It’s enough that both systems are used in the aerodrome. I don’t need that in everyday life.

2 years ago

The metric system is allowed to stay. The advantages of this clearly outweigh.

2 years ago

Why do you want to get the stress when converting?

Converting between kilometers, meters, millimeters and nanometers is very easy by moving the comma. You don’t even need a calculator.

As soon as you introduce any measure that does not fit into the metric system, you have to calculate each time complex. Why is that good?

2 years ago

The problem that I would see is that Europe would get into something that would put all our measurements on the head first.

2 years ago

It already has its reason that the metric system has prevailed.

2 years ago

Why would you use that if you already have the better metric system?

2 years ago


2 years ago

I don’t know.