Wie fallen new rocks aus?


Ich habe eine Frage, undzwar will ich mir die New Rock tanks laufen! Da der Preis ja recht hoch ist und es Versand dazu gibt, wollte ich fragen ob die Schuhe eher kleiner oder größer ausfallen! Ich habe mittlerweile immer mal was zwischen 38 und 39 gehabt, bin mir aber unsicher, welche Größe ich bei den new rocks nehmen soll, damit ich nicht die falsche Größe kaufe!!


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4 months ago

At the beginning of the year I bought 3 different shoes from New Rock. All in the same size. One pair fits perfectly, one is minimally tight, but still well portable and the other pair is minimally too big. (This is “normal half shoes”)

With the boats I have always been lucky that they have been super-fitted, with I myself have an intermediate size and therefore vary between 2 sizes, just like you. The larger size has always been successful at 4 pairs of boats (but distributed over many years). I tried the smaller size 1x. It can be worn, but is not pleasant in the long term.

So my recommendation, take the 39. You can do tricks for the trouble. Too small is definitely not recommended if you want to run longer with your shoes.

4 months ago
Reply to  Marla3067

Have fun with the shoes. I am absolutely convinced by New Rock.